Zettelkasten Forum

2nd Edition of the book (German) gets rewritten



  • 2021-12-31 As I edit, I notice that many critiques have a hidden component of temperament conflict. Some suggestions for improvement soften the harshness of my tone. My intuitive reaction is to dismiss this. But I see great opportunity in learning from these hidden temperament conflicts. The truth is not somewhere in the middle. It is sometimes at one extreme, sometimes at the other, and sometimes in the middle. The opportunity is: learning how to strike the right tone, the appropriate tone. Not the tone that is most palatable with or to others, but the one that achieves the best effect.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-04-01 I abort the betaphase. I don't want to hear any critique any more. Next try I'll just accept certified yes-man.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-01-15 The beta phase itself leads to high knowledge production. Don't think that the beta phase is comparable to working with an editor. Beta readers ask questions, want to understand something better, hold a different opinion - sometimes tenaciously - etc. I would have to do an A-B test to really test my thesis. But at this point, I think a beta reader is superior to an editor in that one's style is better preserved. Of course, beta readers also have plenty of comments about what better style is. But they are still quite "wild" in the sense that they are not filtered through the editor-specific lifeworld as an editor is. After all, it is not by chance that politicians, teachers, craftsmen and so on develop a language peculiar to them.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-01-19 The beta phase is currently leading me to do an enormous amount of rebuilding in my own Zettelkasten. Not in the application of the Zettelkasten Method itself, but rather a new arrangement of the already written notes. The beta phase generates a lot of order in my Zettelkasten, which corresponds to a simple basic truth: In order to think clearly, you have to exchange ideas with other people.

    I am a Zettler

  • Little comment. Please be aware of the date of the entry that I wrote on January 13th. The betaphase is well and alive.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-01-10 Maybe clearer phases are necessary. I'm trying out getting documents completely free of any commentary in between before sending them out again to the next. That's actually the idea, to make beta reading an assembly line process.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-01-25 I bet you can make it a point that there are two distinguishable processes: Anabolic, or building up, and Catabolic, or breaking down. Right now I'm radically cutting out a lot of stuff. Sometimes, though, I need to deepen and bloat some parts. I don't know what to do with it yet, but I should hold on to it.

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-02-11 It is actually possible for 40 people to read a paragraph and still have a spelling error left in it.

    I am a Zettler

  • edited February 2022

    @Sascha said:

    2022-02-11 It is actually possible for 40 people to read a paragraph and still have a spelling error left in it.

    Could it be due to a lack of a proofreading approach? Or perhaps a matter of their intention when reading?

  • @Annabella said:

    @Sascha said:

    2022-02-11 It is actually possible for 40 people to read a paragraph and still have a spelling error left in it.

    Could it be due to a lack of a proofreading approach? Or perhaps a matter of their intention when reading?

    I don't think so. The beta readers are awesome and thorough. I proof-read the manuscript a couple of times and Christian twice. There will always be a typo left. :)

    It is just mind boggling that such a thing is possible since its 40 people.

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha Go figure. Keep up the good work, though.

  • @Sascha My daughter has the same issue with people proof-reading her books prior to publishing. You almost have to have people read the words backwards!

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    @Sascha My daughter has the same issue with people proof-reading her books prior to publishing. You almost have to have people read the words backwards!

    I think I failed to make my point. I don't have an issue since the beta readers are very dilligant. They are doing a great job. I think that spelling and punctuation are so strange that it is possible that 40 people read a paragraph and all (including me 40 times!) can miss a typo or a missing comma. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • 2022-02-12 The beta phase has shown me one thing: I absolutely (!) have to write test-driven. This means that I create test code for the following aspects of writing:

    1. the flow and manner of truth transmission.
    2. the central intention on my part for the section in question (substantiate claims, justify usefulness, present usefulness, make subjective empathy possible)
    3. the central theme.

    Beta readers have made it very clear to me, both explicitly and indirectly, that this is where the weakness of my writing lies. Yes, I don't notice some filler words and in parts my sentence structure is still a bit jumbled. But while this used to be the problem of my writing, for me writing tactics and strategy are becoming more and more the focus of my improvement.

    Good that I have such good beta readers.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    I am a Zettler

  • I’m just discovering this now. I’m excited to read it Sascha! I’m sure I have much to learn from your experience since you’ve been in this space so long. The English speaking world is very much in need of more content related to Zettelkasten. Right now it’s primarily Ahrens and a digital Zettelkasten book.

    Scott P. Scheper
    Website | Twitter | Reddit | YouTube

  • @scottscheper said:
    I’m just discovering this now. I’m excited to read it Sascha! I’m sure I have much to learn from your experience since you’ve been in this space so long. The English speaking world is very much in need of more content related to Zettelkasten. Right now it’s primarily Ahrens and a digital Zettelkasten book.

    I am curious what you and the other analogs (1) will take from the book since it is dedicated to the software agnostic paradigm. :)

    (1): Analogs or Antineters..?

    I am a Zettler

  • (1): Analogs or Antineters..?

    I like Antineters or Antinuts

    Scott P. Scheper
    Website | Twitter | Reddit | YouTube

  • edited November 2022
    • The first third of the manuscript is almost cleaned up. This week I hope to get to 50%. Though, it might conflict with some other work. But luckily you can always throw more time at a problem, and remove hobbies.. :)
    • Then I only have infuse more practical examples into the manuscript where the beta readers suggested.
    • Then there only the publishing aspect which is less work.
    • On the day of publishing, the English translation will start.

    After that, I will demonstrate by publishing articles what the outcome could be if you use your Zettelkasten to produce essays. I will be transparent about the framework conditions (time invested, structure of the day since I will have a newborn depriving me of sleep an neural drive). There will be some commentary about the how but my focus will be on the demonstration and not the didactics. However, since I will focus on both the truth and usefulness leafs of the knowledge flower and I publish content that is about the Zettelkasten Method there is immediate value to the Zettelkasten Community (hopefully). So, I feel I can skip most of the meta-communication for that project without losing the message. (I expect some people to be surprised what can be achieved with a good method.)

    I will have to setup something to deal with the translating part since this is a peripheral problem similar to the problem of making time or getting enough sleep even though both are major factors that influence the productivity. But I try my best to isolate the influence the method in this n=1.

    There will be a phase in which I will repeat this process in German (my mother language). I hope to remember to write an article on this for the Zettelkasten Community.

    I am a Zettler

  • Would you kindly give us an update?

  • The manuscript is finished. :)

    I just have to position some more images and sample notes of my Zettelkasten.

    I am a Zettler

  • Today I will close the last tasks within the manuscript that are based on the beta readers feedback (many thanks!).

    Then the last illustrations (examples, diagrams etc.) and basic summaries at the beginning of each chapter/subchapter and intended lessons are the last open tasks.

    I will add one comprehensive demonstration of how it actually looks when you develop a thought fully with some commentary.

    Then typesetting and cover design is next. And then: Publish.. (Though, I don't know how to make a readable ebook yet..)

    I am a Zettler

  • How many pages will the book have?

  • @Sascha said:
    Then typesetting and cover design is next. And then: Publish.. (Though, I don't know how to make a readable ebook yet..)

    Are you on a Mac? For a very professional job, my writer-daughter highly recommends Vellum for creating ebooks:


    I've used Pages, which does a decent job but maybe not as highly professional as you would like (I used it for producing an ebook for an engineering reunion, with stories photos of historical events, updates on people/families, and events from the reunion). Perhaps even better, you can produce ebooks from Scrivener, (which has the advantage of being in both the Mac and Windows worlds).

    Otherwise, you could look at some of the alternatives:


  • edited March 2023

    @SteveH1UK said:
    How many pages will the book have?

    Currently, the manuscript sits at 53000 words which amounts to 227 pages if the average words per page for a non-fiction book according to Amazon data is accurate.


    Thanks for the recommendations! I will check it out.

    Post edited by Sascha on

    I am a Zettler

  • edited March 2023

    Can you publish it by June- I’m holidaying in Germany then so I will be in the zone for a German book B)

  • @SteveH1UK said:
    Can you publish it by June- I’m holidaying in Germany then so I will be in the zone for a German book B)

    I'll dedicate my next week to please your wishes. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • @GeoEng51 said:

    Are you on a Mac? For a very professional job, my writer-daughter highly recommends Vellum for creating ebooks:


    That's a very Mac-assed Mac app, thanks for sharing!

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • The manuscript is finished now.

    Tasks left to do: Making sure the images fit well, type-setting, cover design.

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha said:
    The manuscript is finished now.

    Tasks left to do: Making sure the images fit well, type-setting, cover design.

    Wh000p Wh000p!

  • Congratulations!

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

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