I am really lucky that I have no publisher making garbage demands on infotainment watering down the content of the book. I am already leaning towards ditching the idea of working with a publisher all together and developing my own process (with a lot of automatisation with me mostly in quality control position).
These are the stats of the current version:
First Number: Word count
Second Number: Position in the book (I use a four-digit ID to order the files in one folder)
Third: Chapter-title
912 0000 Einleitung.md
1957 0200 Wissensarbeit und die Zettelkastenmethode.md
1801 1000 Verzettle dich -- Grundlagen der Zettelkastenarbeit.md
2901 9100 Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten.md
416 0100 Über das Zettelkastenprojekt.txt
666 1000 Eine Textdatei als Zettelkasten -- Nur zur Einführung.txt
122 2000 Wissensarbeit mit dem Zettelkasten.txt
3268 2100 Recherche.txt
9489 2200 Lesen.txt
2768 2300 Verzetteln.txt
624 2310 Übungen zum Zettelschreiben.txt
260 3000 Zettel verbessern.txt
3411 3100 Zettel gut schreiben.txt
1771 3200 Zettel gut betiteln.txt
1976 3300 Zettel gut verschlagworten.txt
3046 3400 Gute Verknüpfungen.txt
456 4000 Vertiefungen.txt
7036 4100 Struktur und Strukturzettel.txt
1496 4110 Formen der Strukturzettel.txt
478 4120 Praktische Beispiele zu Strukturzetteln.txt
2591 5000 Schätze aus dem Zettelkasten bergen.txt
1405 6000 Software auswählen.txt
1055 7100 Der Zettelkasten im Alltag der Wissensarbeit.txt
2862 7200 Die Zettelkastenmethode für.txt
4253 8000 Fallbeispiele.txt
1034 9000 Abschließende Worte.txt
58054 total
At this moments exercises will cover the following aspects:
How to generate content. Purpose: Shift away from information collecting, isolated thinking. Shift towards bidirectional contextualisation (both analysis and synthesis). Enriching the thinking about and with ideas.
Improving content. Purpose: Develop better note taking habits to ensure longevity and quality of the idea capturing itself.
Improving titles: Purpose: Develop better titles (duh..). Engaging in the process of information compressing from a self-learning perspective.
Improving tags: Purpose: Develop better tagging titles (duh..). To me, the biggest mismatch between asked for and actually needed aspect of the ZKM.
Improving connections: Purpose: Develop a way of thinking about connecting ideas instead of notes.
If you have any objections or improvements on those exercise areas: Let me know.
The work flow is actually very simple. I researched a lot of the workflow presentations. And although I find them pleasing to look at the actual information presented is riddled with overcomplication and many unnecessary steps in between.
So, I decided to have just simple drawings to illustrate the overall process (which has very few steps) and will move on to find opportunities to create more static illustrations (example: How structure and content is connected both via links and on a single note). But still, I tend to be conversative because I don't want to invoke the impression that the actual application is anything but very simple: Create notes, create links, browse the ZK. That is all you do. The main areas of improvement for all of my clients are not related to the ZKM. The ZKM is just a frame and a guideline to create a usable system. The areas which are the bottleneck for all of my clients are related to the actual knowledge work: Dealing with ideas, knowledge entities, identifying them and handling them with the right (mental) tools.
I am adding the curriculum which is the basis of my coaching. You can use this list to track your learning progress and see if you have any holes in your game.
I have great difficulty grasping Z-based theory, practice, and software ... I hope the book will be an easy-ish read. I hope there will be a section relating Z theory to Z-based software such as Obsidian. I hope there will be lots of illustrations / screenshots and a glossary.
The issue of updating: One difficulty of the whole project is the ongoing refinement of everything. I am constantly improving anything.
Example: I am translating an exercise on content creation (similar to a creativity tool) and structuring (the exercise is both a creativity tool and a training for structured thinking) thoughts. Originally, I wrote it down in English since 95% of my coaching is in English. Now, I am translating it into German. This translation process alone lead to significant improvements. Not major overhauling but neither minor. So, I will translate the final German version back into English to update according to the improvements.
The issue is that I need to make a cut and decide to publish like a software developer and not like a writer. This creates an additional challenge to my choice of the publishing service I will use.
[...] and decide to publish like a software developer and not like a writer.
Music for my ears.
Yes, please.
Don't get carried away. It will be on paper.
Today I am finishing a section with an exercise on creating fully matured content. Content does not need to be complete and never changing. But you should achieve a minimum of processing to transform information into knowledge. The section has the following parts:
The exercise
Background information
Insights into the nature of knowledge (truth, relevance, usefulness, beauty, simplicity) and their practical implications in note taking
This is the most important exercise (which is modelled after the actual process of generating meaningful content instead of collecting information) to solve the garbage in garbage out problem. In the world of the internet this challenge is popping up in different forms:
"What is the difference between reference notes and literature notes?"
"How can I tranform my xy-notes into permanent notes?"
"What is an evergreen note?"
"What content is worthy of my Zettelkasten?"
"I connect my notes carefully but I don't feel that I am actually producing something meaningful."
The spirit of the book is an ongoing transformation of the "why" into the "how". This exercise is one example of how I try to adhere to this spirit.
Just a little reminder how to redirect your writings to your Zettelkasten if you are writing a lot and quite an amount outside of your Zettelkasten: The process is very simple:
Write your texts.
Edit your texts.
Copy and paste your text into a single textfile.
Refactor the individual thoughts into individual notes.
Integrate them via contextualisation (links etc.)
Doing it now:
The above is a short summarisation of a section that is currently sitting in the Q&A part.
When I finished writing it I will follow the above process to keep my ZK updated.
@Sascha said:
Just a little reminder how to redirect your writings to your Zettelkasten if you are writing a lot and quite an amount outside of your Zettelkasten: The process is very simple:
Write your texts.
Edit your texts.
Copy and paste your text into a single textfile.
Refactor the individual thoughts into individual notes.
Integrate them via contextualisation (links etc.)
after having reached point 5, do you have the notes created in point 4 to be connected in a way that would allow you to rebuild the reading flow they originally had in point 3.?
Obviously, you can and you should but what I am asking is, how frequently do you find again that original structure in the notes present in your ZK?
@Sascha said:
Just a little reminder how to redirect your writings to your Zettelkasten if you are writing a lot and quite an amount outside of your Zettelkasten: The process is very simple:
Write your texts.
Edit your texts.
Copy and paste your text into a single textfile.
Refactor the individual thoughts into individual notes.
Integrate them via contextualisation (links etc.)
after having reached point 5, do you have the notes created in point 4 to be connected in a way that would allow you to rebuild the reading flow they originally had in point 3.?
It depends a lot on the article. But I very rarely keep the original flow. There is a big difference in writing to understand something for yourself and writing to get a point across. In my Zettelkasten, only few dedicated structure notes deal with writing projects.
So, I dissolve the original flow in 99% of the cases.
Obviously, you can and you should but what I am asking is, how frequently do you find again that original structure in the notes present in your ZK?
Currently, powering through the section on connection between beauty and knowledge. The hard part is to find the balance between proper analytical work and the appropriate depth for this project.
I decided to fall short on the first (analysis) and accomplish the second task.
Those are two sample papers I am reading for background information:
I had anecdotical evidence in appreciating symmetry as a teaching and learning tool. Intuitively I would think that something aesthetically pleasing could lead to emotional involvement and deeper learning experiences. If I can I would always look for this type of reaction in the audience, students, participants but, of course, require more preparation.
Your two papers are really cool. I will ZK them. Thanks for sharing
Because you're writing to your future self. You can consider them a third person. To do that effectively you should write in clear terms, providing as much contest as possible to make the note/concept self-containing. So, to do that you need to explain your ideas in a way comprehensible to a six-year-old.
@Massimo_Curatella said:
Because you're writing to your future self. You can consider them a third person. To do that effectively you should write in clear terms, providing as much contest as possible to make the note/concept self-containing. So, to do that you need to explain your ideas in a way comprehensible to a six-year-old.
Is that the correct use of ZKM?
A correct use.
I give myself 1,5 working days to figure out the connection between beauty and knowledge. If I am not satisfied I will postpone this aspect.
Perhaps, I am pressure myself a bit by demanding from myself to compress the nature of beauty and its connection to knowledge to less than 1000 words while giving me just a couple of workdays time..
Good thing is: The pressure was sufficient to squeeze my thoughts through a tight enough lense.
The psychology of knowledge work will not be included in the book about the method. So, consider it a side note: Most creative people, as far as I know, don't put enough pressure on themselves. It may sound heretic but creativity may have a connection to flow and well-being. But if a creative person puts any emphasis on those the result will be an incomplete use of ones potential. Imagine a person who tries to escape the Gulags. Being beaten daily will increase ones creativity immensely if you chose to prevail instead of rolling on your back and give up.
This is by the way how I plan and designed the section on knowledge and beauty:
There is a bit more to it. I have read material, talked to people, aggravated some people with my monologs (sometimes asking questions and interrupting them during their answer..).
At the end, there will be just a few additional notes in my Zettelkasten (besides from the section in the book). To generate good content, you have to put in the work and develop some teeth by chewing tough meat instead of trying to make everything fun and easy. The more fun and ease you experience in your life the weaker you get. It is just a necessary evil to keep one sane.
@Sascha said:
sometimes asking questions and interrupting them during their answer..).
Ah! You shouldn't do that (unless they talk nonstop for 5+ minutes and you are not in the middle of a qualitative research project)
I know, I know. Normally, I make it a point to listen a lot. But not when I am on a mission.
Not happy with the section. It is too little room to explore the relationship between beauty and knowledge. But it's okay. The section on practicing to generate content blew up to 3000 words anyway.
The next exercises will be way easier to write down because they are mostly about technical aspects of the ZKM. (How to generate a good title is rather trivial compared to finding arguments, evidence or relevancy)
After that, I will decide on what little activation exercises could be sprinkled in.
And then.. the manuscript should be finished. There are some tasks that I could attack but I feel that I am reaching a point where I need to take a step back and focus on both teaching and practicing the method extensively instead of focussing writing and thinking about it.
Then, @ctietze is in charge to make on round of commenting and editing before I will start the beta reading phase. I will modify the process of my last book that I will work more closely with the beta readers instead of just giving them the chapters to read and to comment.
The order of tasks is now:
Publish the German Book.
Use the new exercise material for the Online Course.
Writing a note on the difference between templates. There are two categories (to me, at this point in time):
Templates on method formality: YAML-Headers, pre-formulated sectioning (title, references etc.), templates for type of note
Templates on method application: Templates on model parts and wholes, on ontological elements of structure notes (sections include: model, epidemiology, orthology, case studies, etc.), meaning elements of content (truth, relevance, usefulness, simpleness, beauty)
Up to this point in time, I exclusively saw templates of the first category. I can only speculate why this is the case. My perception is that the people who concern themselves with publishing on the method are stuck in the formal layer. Some are aware of this or feel it intuively and try to shift there attention to use(r) cases. However, I feel that there is some obscure language going on which indicates that the next layer, the actual layer of knowledge work, is still rather uncharted territory.
My solution to this problem has the following aspects:
I keep templates on method formality to an absolute minimum.
I tie the templates of the second category to an exploration of the deeper meaning of this template.
I don't use metaphorical explanations but rather use metaphors as demonstrations and as a tool to give an additional angle to a matter. (I try to adhere to this plan. Call me out if I deviate from it.)
tl;dr: Added a note template on meaning elements of content.
To me, it is too much overhead. Some years ago, I was more into templates and formalisation. But I ended up creating a too complicated tool set.
Today, I mainly browsed the internet for publicly available texts that are not too contentious. So, I just give you a picture of me and the nutbag that is my dog.
I am really lucky that I have no publisher making garbage demands on infotainment watering down the content of the book. I am already leaning towards ditching the idea of working with a publisher all together and developing my own process (with a lot of automatisation with me mostly in quality control position).
These are the stats of the current version:
912 0000 Einleitung.md
1957 0200 Wissensarbeit und die Zettelkastenmethode.md
1801 1000 Verzettle dich -- Grundlagen der Zettelkastenarbeit.md
2901 9100 Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten.md
416 0100 Über das Zettelkastenprojekt.txt
666 1000 Eine Textdatei als Zettelkasten -- Nur zur Einführung.txt
122 2000 Wissensarbeit mit dem Zettelkasten.txt
3268 2100 Recherche.txt
9489 2200 Lesen.txt
2768 2300 Verzetteln.txt
624 2310 Übungen zum Zettelschreiben.txt
260 3000 Zettel verbessern.txt
3411 3100 Zettel gut schreiben.txt
1771 3200 Zettel gut betiteln.txt
1976 3300 Zettel gut verschlagworten.txt
3046 3400 Gute Verknüpfungen.txt
456 4000 Vertiefungen.txt
7036 4100 Struktur und Strukturzettel.txt
1496 4110 Formen der Strukturzettel.txt
478 4120 Praktische Beispiele zu Strukturzetteln.txt
2591 5000 Schätze aus dem Zettelkasten bergen.txt
1405 6000 Software auswählen.txt
1055 7100 Der Zettelkasten im Alltag der Wissensarbeit.txt
2862 7200 Die Zettelkastenmethode für.txt
4253 8000 Fallbeispiele.txt
1034 9000 Abschließende Worte.txt
58054 total
At this moments exercises will cover the following aspects:
If you have any objections or improvements on those exercise areas: Let me know.
The work flow is actually very simple. I researched a lot of the workflow presentations. And although I find them pleasing to look at the actual information presented is riddled with overcomplication and many unnecessary steps in between.
So, I decided to have just simple drawings to illustrate the overall process (which has very few steps) and will move on to find opportunities to create more static illustrations (example: How structure and content is connected both via links and on a single note). But still, I tend to be conversative because I don't want to invoke the impression that the actual application is anything but very simple: Create notes, create links, browse the ZK. That is all you do. The main areas of improvement for all of my clients are not related to the ZKM. The ZKM is just a frame and a guideline to create a usable system. The areas which are the bottleneck for all of my clients are related to the actual knowledge work: Dealing with ideas, knowledge entities, identifying them and handling them with the right (mental) tools.
I am a Zettler
I am adding the curriculum which is the basis of my coaching. You can use this list to track your learning progress and see if you have any holes in your game.
I am a Zettler
I have great difficulty grasping Z-based theory, practice, and software ... I hope the book will be an easy-ish read. I hope there will be a section relating Z theory to Z-based software such as Obsidian. I hope there will be lots of illustrations / screenshots and a glossary.
I just hope it gets ‘published’ before I leave this world! This is already the 4th page in this never ending thread. 😉
I think it is good that it takes time. Writing and composing a book can be a delicate thing and I appreciate @Sascha‘s thoroughness
Writing a book is easy. Writing a good book not. The first edition was about getting it out. The second edition is about laying out a fundament.
I am a Zettler
The issue of updating: One difficulty of the whole project is the ongoing refinement of everything. I am constantly improving anything.
Example: I am translating an exercise on content creation (similar to a creativity tool) and structuring (the exercise is both a creativity tool and a training for structured thinking) thoughts. Originally, I wrote it down in English since 95% of my coaching is in English. Now, I am translating it into German. This translation process alone lead to significant improvements. Not major overhauling but neither minor. So, I will translate the final German version back into English to update according to the improvements.
The issue is that I need to make a cut and decide to publish like a software developer and not like a writer. This creates an additional challenge to my choice of the publishing service I will use.
I am a Zettler
Music for my ears.
Yes, please.
Don't get carried away. It will be on paper.
Today I am finishing a section with an exercise on creating fully matured content. Content does not need to be complete and never changing. But you should achieve a minimum of processing to transform information into knowledge. The section has the following parts:
This is the most important exercise (which is modelled after the actual process of generating meaningful content instead of collecting information) to solve the garbage in garbage out problem. In the world of the internet this challenge is popping up in different forms:
The spirit of the book is an ongoing transformation of the "why" into the "how". This exercise is one example of how I try to adhere to this spirit.
I am a Zettler
I can't wait to see your punch cards.
Just a little reminder how to redirect your writings to your Zettelkasten if you are writing a lot and quite an amount outside of your Zettelkasten: The process is very simple:
Doing it now:
I am a Zettler
after having reached point 5, do you have the notes created in point 4 to be connected in a way that would allow you to rebuild the reading flow they originally had in point 3.?
Obviously, you can and you should but what I am asking is, how frequently do you find again that original structure in the notes present in your ZK?
It depends a lot on the article. But I very rarely keep the original flow. There is a big difference in writing to understand something for yourself and writing to get a point across. In my Zettelkasten, only few dedicated structure notes deal with writing projects.
So, I dissolve the original flow in 99% of the cases.
Never. But I don't look for it either.
I am a Zettler
Thanks, @Sascha , that was interesting and useful.
Currently, powering through the section on connection between beauty and knowledge. The hard part is to find the balance between proper analytical work and the appropriate depth for this project.
I decided to fall short on the first (analysis) and accomplish the second task.
Those are two sample papers I am reading for background information:
I am a Zettler
I had anecdotical evidence in appreciating symmetry as a teaching and learning tool. Intuitively I would think that something aesthetically pleasing could lead to emotional involvement and deeper learning experiences. If I can I would always look for this type of reaction in the audience, students, participants but, of course, require more preparation.
Your two papers are really cool. I will ZK them. Thanks for sharing
I am a Zettler
Because you're writing to your future self. You can consider them a third person. To do that effectively you should write in clear terms, providing as much contest as possible to make the note/concept self-containing. So, to do that you need to explain your ideas in a way comprehensible to a six-year-old.
Is that the correct use of ZKM?
A correct use.
I give myself 1,5 working days to figure out the connection between beauty and knowledge. If I am not satisfied I will postpone this aspect.
I am a Zettler
Finally, some light at the end of the tunnel.
Perhaps, I am pressure myself a bit by demanding from myself to compress the nature of beauty and its connection to knowledge to less than 1000 words while giving me just a couple of workdays time..
Good thing is: The pressure was sufficient to squeeze my thoughts through a tight enough lense.
The psychology of knowledge work will not be included in the book about the method. So, consider it a side note: Most creative people, as far as I know, don't put enough pressure on themselves. It may sound heretic but creativity may have a connection to flow and well-being. But if a creative person puts any emphasis on those the result will be an incomplete use of ones potential. Imagine a person who tries to escape the Gulags. Being beaten daily will increase ones creativity immensely if you chose to prevail instead of rolling on your back and give up.
I am a Zettler
This is by the way how I plan and designed the section on knowledge and beauty:
There is a bit more to it. I have read material, talked to people, aggravated some people with my monologs (sometimes asking questions and interrupting them during their answer..).
At the end, there will be just a few additional notes in my Zettelkasten (besides from the section in the book). To generate good content, you have to put in the work and develop some teeth by chewing tough meat instead of trying to make everything fun and easy. The more fun and ease you experience in your life the weaker you get. It is just a necessary evil to keep one sane.
I am a Zettler
It's a beauty!
Ah! You shouldn't do that (unless they talk nonstop for 5+ minutes and you are not in the middle of a qualitative research project)
However, I am still looking forward to it!
I know, I know. Normally, I make it a point to listen a lot. But not when I am on a mission.
Not happy with the section. It is too little room to explore the relationship between beauty and knowledge. But it's okay. The section on practicing to generate content blew up to 3000 words anyway.
The next exercises will be way easier to write down because they are mostly about technical aspects of the ZKM. (How to generate a good title is rather trivial compared to finding arguments, evidence or relevancy)
After that, I will decide on what little activation exercises could be sprinkled in.
And then.. the manuscript should be finished. There are some tasks that I could attack but I feel that I am reaching a point where I need to take a step back and focus on both teaching and practicing the method extensively instead of focussing writing and thinking about it.
Then, @ctietze is in charge to make on round of commenting and editing before I will start the beta reading phase. I will modify the process of my last book that I will work more closely with the beta readers instead of just giving them the chapters to read and to comment.
The order of tasks is now:
I am a Zettler
Do you have a reasonable accurate estimate when this will be done? I'm eagerly waiting for the course!
Sadly: No. I don't know who much experience one needs to have to give reasonable estimates. But I am surely not experienced enough at all.
Reading: Beautiful Code (Edited by Andy Oram and Greg Wilson).
I have an idea how to approach the issue of beauty in a better way.
I am a Zettler
Writing a note on the difference between templates. There are two categories (to me, at this point in time):
Up to this point in time, I exclusively saw templates of the first category. I can only speculate why this is the case. My perception is that the people who concern themselves with publishing on the method are stuck in the formal layer. Some are aware of this or feel it intuively and try to shift there attention to use(r) cases. However, I feel that there is some obscure language going on which indicates that the next layer, the actual layer of knowledge work, is still rather uncharted territory.
My solution to this problem has the following aspects:
tl;dr: Added a note template on meaning elements of content.
I am a Zettler
About "Templates on method application": do you create them when needed and grow a collection of them to use contextually?
I would make a case on when and how a template is useful by defining its structure so that when I recognize a useful context I can pick it and use it.
I am thinking of Design Patterns:
I even resist making templates because very few useful patterns are so complex that one need a template.
But, yes. I create them if needed.
To me, it is too much overhead. Some years ago, I was more into templates and formalisation. But I ended up creating a too complicated tool set.
Today, I mainly browsed the internet for publicly available texts that are not too contentious. So, I just give you a picture of me and the nutbag that is my dog.
I am a Zettler