Zettelkasten Forum

2nd Edition of the book (German) gets rewritten



  • I wonder if a bias to doing Top down (Structure note) first or from the bottom up is related to personality types and what you are studying. Or if it more complex than that.

    Sometimes I prefer doing a set of zettels and then creating a structure note from it - and other times starting from the structured note. Still trying to analysis my behaviour B)

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    I like the statement. It's not that different, though, than those who start each zettel from a structure note - setting up the systemization of their knowledge before they even write their zettels. However, they seem to get by just fine, later connecting zettels in a more "organic" manner, and their ZK presumably evolves despite the early systemization.

    I think it is very different. However, as long as the knowledge work happens within the boundaries of the Zettelkasten you reap the many of the benefits of using a ITE.

    It depends of course on the matter. Some things are too elusive to be captures by preformed structures others benefit from preformed ones. And depends on the user etc. :)

    @SteveH1UK said:
    I wonder if a bias to doing Top down (Structure note) first or from the bottom up is related to personality types and what you are studying. Or if it more complex than that.

    Sometimes I prefer doing a set of zettels and then creating a structure note from it - and other times starting from the structured note. Still trying to analysis my behaviour B)

    I'd be very suprised if personality wouldn't play a role in ones preference. However, I don't think you should just follow your preference. Some matters benefit from one appraoch compared to the other. It is about what you want to do. Sometimes, ones preferences help and sometimes they hinder. But: The task comes first, ones idiosyncrasies second.

    I am a Zettler

  • I calculated the time share of texts according to the categories of the Luhmann-Matrix:

    Category Time Share
    Not Useful / Easy 2,6%
    Not Useful / Difficultschwer 5,2%
    Useful / Easy 36,5%
    Useful / difficult 55,7%

    Over 90% time is spend with useful texts and there is evidence that this is true for parts of the text. The numbers show why the Barbell-Method of Reading works. :) (phew..)

    I am a Zettler

  • Finished an important and huge piece of the manuscript with some 8000 words and 60k characters now (including comments) -- it's about structure, and how and when to introduce structure to your notes. That's a very central topic for Zettelkasten longevity, so it warrants more space in the book than others. I kind of wish I could start fresh and learn these things anew to see how much quicker I'd pick up these techniques.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Exzerpt from the book

    Write for Your Future Self

    When we add notes to our Zettelkasten, we are not doing it for ourselves. Technically, we are doing it for another person, namely our future self. This future self is a different person from us. After all, we are not who we will become.

    So if we maintain a note in our note box, we should ask ourselves the following question: What do we want our future selves to do when they encounter this piece of paper?

    Example: If we are working on a book project, our future self is an budding book author. This budding book author probably wishes that the notes he encounters were already reasonably error-free, written in an understandable way, and usable for the book without requiring much further revision. He wishes the note to be finished writing. We ourselves, of course, wish that this prospective book author, our future self, will work effectively, that he would not have to deal with sloppiness from bis past self (that's us).

    So we can see immediately: It is in our interest as well as in the interest of our future self that we work thoroughly.

    Thinking this way, we can rephrase many questions as follows: What can we do now to make our future self do what it is supposed to do?

    I am a Zettler

  • Exzerpt from the book:

    Compare it (the interaction with your Zettelkasten) with a conversation. We can understand this conversation as communication between two completely separate people. But this does not do justice to the character of a good conversation. A conversation is not just an exchange of information. In a good and animated conversation, a kind of third thing emerges that is independent of the individual people. It is as if there is a common thing that arises between these two people. It has its own demands, requires people to nurture it, feeds people with new thoughts, and in turn wants people to feed it with new thoughts. If we are engaged and animated way, we feel it very clearly. We forget ourselves, get completely into the conversation. After all, we don't lose ourselves in the other person, but together with our counterpart we become part of a larger whole and lose, for a little while at least, the feeling of being alone. It is crucial that thoughts can flow freely in three areas. (...)

    I am a Zettler

  • I would like to buy a copy of this book (German edition). Where can I find a copy? Is it available as an ebook (ideally from Kobo store, but ePub is fine)?

  • @wherahiko said:
    I would like to buy a copy of this book (German edition). Where can I find a copy? Is it available as an ebook (ideally from Kobo store, but ePub is fine)?

    The second edition is not published yet. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • Status update!

    I only have 6/29 sections left to edit and comment. I've passed the very thorough part on structures (as mentioned last time) and am now just past a section of the book on implementation details with software or paper. So the ZKM itself has wrapped-up and it's about day-to-day considerations and, since the reader is equipped with the knowledge, more in-depth examples to learn from.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Everything you practice, you should first practice as you have learned in this book. In the beginning, you need a foundation, and you cannot lay it yourself. In all domains that place a lot of emphasis on learning skills, such as martial arts, crafts, and music, the beginning phase consists of repeating only what you have been shown. The beginning consists of drill. You should also take this to heart when learning Zettelkasten Method. I am not suggesting that the version of the Zettelkasten Method presented here is the best of the best for everyone unmodified. But I do claim that you will get to your personal way faster if you modify the method only after you have mastered it. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in a strange state of not mastering my suggested version, nor your own version. This is more likely to lead to frustration. Save yourself from this. Only when you have understood the spirit of the methods and techniques should you modify the concrete form and interpret it to your liking. Your own version will come soon enough.

    You can't learn a hook from a boxer and a straight from a muay thai and expect to be a fighter.

    I am a Zettler

  • Current round of editing is finished. Now, I just need to polish some leftovers and create some imagery. The beta-reading-phase is coming soon.

    I am a Zettler

  • Currently doing about a dozen illustrations for the first finished typoscript. We have some experience with printing black and white, and using that + good-looking examples from other books, I'm trying to make forms and texts easier to read and look more uniform than before.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Can not find the "subscribe" button, so I do it like that. Sorry.

  • You're motivating me to (re)learn German to read your book.

    @Sascha said:
    Exzerpt from the book

    Write for Your Future Self

    When we add notes to our Zettelkasten, we are not doing it for ourselves. Technically, we are doing it for another person, namely our future self. This future self is a different person from us. After all, we are not who we will become.

    So if we maintain a note in our note box, we should ask ourselves the following question: What do we want our future selves to do when they encounter this piece of paper?

    Thinking this way, we can rephrase many questions as follows: What can we do now to make our future self do what it is supposed to do?

    This is excellent. I'm continually having to remind myself about the hyperbolic discounting of the future, but this is ineffective without the correct framing. The habit of framing questions about the future self this way is going to create better future persons.

    †. If only that had occurred to the "Modern Stoics." >:)

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • Finally: All tasks are closed.

    Just some imagery by @ctietze needs to be done.

    If you are German and want to take part in the Beta-Phase of the German Book make sure that you subscribed to the newsletter.

    I am a Zettler

  • Addition: I will switch from the iA Writer to FoldingText. This was the last piece I wrote with the iA-Writer.

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha

    Thank you for reminding me about FoldingText. I had downloaded it, with the intent of doing a test drive, but hadn't got there yet. Is there any reason why you prefer it to iA Writer? I notice that there is no iOS version of FoldingText, which is a drawback for me, but not an absolute killer.

  • @GeoEng51

    I really like the folding and the automatic outline at the left side. I think I'll quit to chop book manuscript into several files and will just go with one big file. So, the file manager is no longer needed.

    When the book is both pubished in German and in English as well as the course I will reduce the number of projects I am working parallely. That means: Just one window for writing. Folding Text feels to be more geared towards this and less like a general writing environment.

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha Thank you! Makes sense.

  • Thought I was subscribed to the newsletter but the most recent message I seem to have received was from March. Still very interested in reading (and possibly translating, although I notice the excepts above are already in English?) the new edition.

  • You a quite on time. There is just a few images left to be made and then the Beta starts and I'll send out the invitations. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • interesting - I thought I had an account here for years. turns out I don't.

    stupid me.

    I would offer myself for beta-reading as well.
    maybe it's a bonus that I am located in bielefeld as well - so I could deliver notes in person.
    really liked Lebenswandel and work with something like a ZK since roundabout 14 years in different iterations

  • Hi Alex,

    make sure that you have subscribed to the newsletter. I will push the information there.

    Viele Grüße nach, naja hier eben. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • edited November 2021

    @Sascha said:

    make sure that you have subscribed to the newsletter.


    Viele Grüße nach, naja hier eben. :)

    winke winke von der südlichen Seite des Teuto

  • The beta phase of the German edition will start soon. The email for the newsletter is crafted and only needs to be edited and filtered by Christian.

    Once the beta phase will be finished, the translation into English will immediately start.

    I am a Zettler

  • Whooohooo!
    That‘s good news.

  • @Sascha: I'd also be happy to help with some beta-reading. Will subscribe to the newsletter as well.

  • @Vinho said:
    @Sascha: I'd also be happy to help with some beta-reading. Will subscribe to the newsletter as well.

    For the English Version or the German? (Being subscribed to the newsletter is sufficient)

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha said:
    For the English Version or the German? (Being subscribed to the newsletter is sufficient)

    I was thinking of the German version, since that would be about the content and not about translation.

  • The Beta has started and roughly a 1/3 of the 60 readers are activated (they are activated in cohorts). I will share some of my thoughts on the betaphase. Some are automatically translated snippets of my journal.

    Since I am developing a more powerful feedback system (that I will share separatly for the interested writers) than the "normal" process of editing a book I thought that my experiences are useful even though they are not yet systematically polished (like in a book).

    2021-12-31 Even though I'm Captain Disagreeable,* having a few dozen people criticize my writing, some bluntly, is an exhausting experience. I love it. Every stab to the flesh of my ego makes me a better person. But depending on your character, you can quickly get the irrational impression that there's a mob out there against you. You have to realize this when you use such a method.

    • I am in the 1st percentile on the scale for agreeableness. Some (relevant) descriptors:

    • They do not lose arguments (or avoid discussions) with anyone, for any reason, and enjoy the battle.

    • People exceptionally low in agreeableness are therefore less likely to su"er from resentment or to harbour invisible anger.

    So, I might have a higher compatibility with this kind of process.

    I am a Zettler

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