Are you using the keyword index in books?
The question came to my mind because I am deciding if I create one for the second edition of the Zettelkasten Method book.
I am a Zettler
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The question came to my mind because I am deciding if I create one for the second edition of the Zettelkasten Method book.
I am a Zettler
Depends on the kind of book but if it is a book I try to learn something from and that I might come back to from time to time to reread something, then a strong yes from me. It is soooo helpful if I go "hmm I forgot how to do partial pooling for my hierarchical model" and I can just open up the index and find the exact page it is described on in like 5 seconds.
For me, sometimes in paper books, but never in electronic books.
I use it a lot when reading scientific books. Especially if I look up a special topic, without having thoroughly processed the entire book.
Same here, although when I approach a book (electronic too) topological, i.e., I want to read about only select parts instead of reading it from A to Z, then an index is indispensable. It can make a difference between a rough experience and the task being a breeze.
I am a Zettler, ie 'one who zettles'
research: pragmatism, 4e cognitive science, metaphor | you can't be neutral on a moving train
I make frequent use of the keyword index in books. I find it useful even in eBooks because, although I can search the book for a word I can't see how the author may have grouped keywords.
I write it on the ToDo-List. "Thanks".
I am a Zettler