I definitely miss something short and sweet like verzetteln in English ("to make Zettel", with the taste of very vague connotations about losing oneself in the details and fertilizing fields with manure), so I'm looking forward to suggestions that spring forth from here
Zettelphile -
1. one who has a love, interest, or enthusiasm for the Zettelkasten Method.
2. a user of the Zettelkasten Method.
3. a Zettelkasten devotee
Why not plain and simple Zettlers?
You are settling something both conceptually (even though that may be a journey in itself) and in a way akin to settlers do: exploring and making a way of living in new territory.
Being an English only speaker I love the mystery invoked by the German term "Zettelkasten". Turning it into an English sound bite would, in my opinion, infantilize the process.
For example:
Team Intellisense
Heros with Super Powers
When people ask, I keep it simple and tell them 'I make notes in my Zettelkasten' and leave a space open for them to ask questions.
Vote up @MikeBraddock's Zettelphile for the possessive noun.
Zettelkasting for the verb.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time. kestrelcreek.com
@John said:
Why not plain and simple Zettlers?
You are settling something both conceptually (even though that may be a journey in itself) and in a way akin to settlers do: exploring and making a way of living in new territory.
Zenius - the brilliant people, maybe the act of Zettelkasting, qualifies us all.
Zindexer or Zendexer
Zeeker or Zkeeker Zker pronounced the same
UID-first ______
UID-last ______
UID-only ______
Title-only ______
Analog ________
Digital ________
Bitchin, total freakin __________ from Mars. Apology to Will.
@Eurobubba said:
I'm thinking there needs to be a snappy word for Zettelkasten users. Definitely one in English;
I think he means something universal that sounds interesting, cool, and catchy.
@Will said:
Turning it into an English sound bite would, in my opinion, infantilize the process.
I am in total agreement with Wiil's point. It would be easy to descend into the depths of the ridiculous, absurd, and undignified.
Zetteler or Zettelkastener checks the most boxes so far than others I thought of or heard.
In my opinion, it doesn't check the snappy checkbox. But that is just one Zettelphile's opinion.
If others added to the discussion, the list would grow, and I would really enjoy it if they did.
Zettelers unite, keep the process going.
@ctietze said:
I definitely miss something short and sweet like verzetteln in English ("to make Zettel", with the taste of very vague connotations about losing oneself in the details and fertilizing fields with manure), so I'm looking forward to suggestions that spring forth from here
FWIW, in my own jottings I've been using 'zettelize' for the process of distilling external inputs into zettels. Of course it lacks any of the connotations of the German word and would probably be meaningless to anyone who isn't on this forum, but it's good enough for personal journaling and task planning. 🤷♂️
I think I have to study the german behind Zettelkasten but as the objetive is not only to create a zettelkasten but think with it, my first thought when reading this topis was zettelthinker. I really have to rescue my mostly forgotten german skills! I hope my proposal is not too dull!
Atomizers for the English speakers?
I definitely miss something short and sweet like verzetteln in English ("to make Zettel", with the taste of very vague connotations about losing oneself in the details and fertilizing fields with manure), so I'm looking forward to suggestions that spring forth from here
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Member of the Captain Kasten Crew
I am a Zettler
Please ignore my Züers suggestion. It sucks.
I offer the following instead.
Zettelphile -
1. one who has a love, interest, or enthusiasm for the Zettelkasten Method.
2. a user of the Zettelkasten Method.
3. a Zettelkasten devotee
Why not plain and simple Zettlers?
You are settling something both conceptually (even though that may be a journey in itself) and in a way akin to settlers do: exploring and making a way of living in new territory.
I am a Zettler, ie 'one who zettles'
research: pragmatism, 4e cognitive science, metaphor | you can't be neutral on a moving train
Being an English only speaker I love the mystery invoked by the German term "Zettelkasten". Turning it into an English sound bite would, in my opinion, infantilize the process.
For example:
Team Intellisense
Heros with Super Powers
When people ask, I keep it simple and tell them 'I make notes in my Zettelkasten' and leave a space open for them to ask questions.
Vote up @MikeBraddock's Zettelphile for the possessive noun.
Zettelkasting for the verb.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
This is my pick. (No, not my own..)
@Eurobubba this thread asks for a poll.
I am a Zettler
Another vote for Zettler, ie 'one who zettles'
A word for Zettelkasten users.
For some reason, I find this discussion fascinating.
Every word we offer will have a different connotation.
Zettelerist or Zettelist
Kastenist Kastenerist
Zenius - the brilliant people, maybe the act of Zettelkasting, qualifies us all.
Zindexer or Zendexer
Zeeker or Zkeeker Zker pronounced the same
UID-first ______
UID-last ______
UID-only ______
Title-only ______
Analog ________
Digital ________
Bitchin, total freakin __________ from Mars. Apology to Will.
I think he means something universal that sounds interesting, cool, and catchy.
I am in total agreement with Wiil's point. It would be easy to descend into the depths of the ridiculous, absurd, and undignified.
I submit the checkboxes should be:
[ ] - Universal
[ ] - SImple
[ ] - Snappy, interesting, cool, fun
[ ] - Respectful
[ ] - Complementary
Zetteler or Zettelkastener checks the most boxes so far than others I thought of or heard.
In my opinion, it doesn't check the snappy checkbox. But that is just one Zettelphile's opinion.
If others added to the discussion, the list would grow, and I would really enjoy it if they did.
Zettelers unite, keep the process going.
FWIW, in my own jottings I've been using 'zettelize' for the process of distilling external inputs into zettels. Of course it lacks any of the connotations of the German word and would probably be meaningless to anyone who isn't on this forum, but it's good enough for personal journaling and task planning. 🤷♂️
In the spirit of Will's signature, I propose...
unless that is something weird or negative in German...
Zettelheads or Zettelkopfen (?)
That suggests broadcasting (and narrowcasting, podcasting, etc.), which would be misleading.
Oi. A little bit. It means basically "Zetteltesticle"
I am a Zettler
Ha! OK, well in that case I retract (no pun intended) my suggestion! lol
I did look it up before suggesting it, however. Google Translate says "sticky note"
Just kidding.
(Christian was against that joke. But I couldn't resist)
Zettelnaut has the same connotations in German as in English.
I am a Zettler
ZettelGelehrte Faustkämpfer, does this actually translate to slip-fisted pugilist?
This is rich: Faustkämpfer mit rutschigen Zettel-Fäusten.
I played the audio translation of these over and over. German has such cool words.
I've been punked! LOL
In this case I insist that Zettelnaut is reinstated.
Alternatives: Zettelkästenaut, Zettelkästener - that's all I've got...
I am using "Zettelnaut" in the second edition of the book btw.
I am a Zettler
I think I have to study the german behind Zettelkasten but as the objetive is not only to create a zettelkasten but think with it, my first thought when reading this topis was zettelthinker. I really have to rescue my mostly forgotten german skills! I hope my proposal is not too dull!
How about something more bureaucratic, such as Zweiter Beauftragter für Administrative Zettelkasten Fragen.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
Like zettelnaut, zettler, zettelhead, and a few other mentioned...
To add to the mix.....
How about zettelistas or zettelrati ?
This one has killed my mind, it is awesome and marvellous ! Surrealist and fun, but the only thing that fits is the slip !
Zettlers is cool, Zettelkasteners, Zettelnauts comes with the idea of exploration and this is cool and accurate.
I really like this one too :
But did a final name emerge from all of this beautifull creativity I have read on this topic ?