How are ÜÜ?
Hi there,
I'm new to all this and still poking around trying to understand how it is that you all organize your ZK.
Sascha, could you describe more clearly: ##L, ÜÜ, §§§. Ü1 and Ü2?
I watched intro video 3, but felt I was still not making intuitive connections. Maybe because I don't understand the german significance of things like Ü.
Any one else, please jump in!
Thank you
Howdy, Stranger!
Those are special tags.
I am a Zettler
I'd love to understand better the use of double ## tagging method, which makes me think where is the context? Also wanting to get a better feel for note naming. eg. 222222-topic??-notename
§ Buffer -Workshop Name
§§§ Training
§§§ Inbox ---- ? oh boy
This doesn't seem to work in The Archive app but does work in nvAlt. I'm surprised the two apps have a different way of sorting by title. It looks like no special characters are being sorted as AFTER alphanumeric characters in 'The Archive'.
Are you still using this method or are you doing something else? Having buffer notes on top seems very handy.
I sort my 'buffer' notes at the top of the sidebar with a Ω prepended to the note title and sorting Title Z First. This puts buffer notes at the top followed chronologically newest to oldest with date format. When a note has stopped its buffering function I remove the Ω and it falls back in its original chronology. similar to using §§§ to help with sorting.

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Oh wow. Yeah the Ω character works. Weird that The Archive and nvAlt sort the § character to different places.
I'm going with Ω!
Thanks for the help. 🙏
This looks awesome! I really like the style.
@Eiff I talked with @ctietze and he explained that it has something to do with some internal sorting conventions that apples language or something like that. But this is a good opportunity for a reminder: Think principle first and not application.
I am a Zettler
Yes, thank you for that reminder. My tendency is to do the opposite and obsess over the tools. That's one place I need to improve.
It is quite normal. We all fall in this trap. I think that have at least some resistance because I gorged a couple of years.
I am a Zettler