Loni, writer and artist, nice to meet you !
Hi, I am Lonan Aedhia, I am a Zettelkasten enthousiast since two years, and taking and maintening a corpus of knowledge notes since a lot more time but without efficiency. The Zettelkasten approach has blow my mind.
I am a Fantasy writer and artist, my Zettelkasten helps me to make research (architecture, techniques, History, military History, sciences, engineering, religions, mythology…) and create new ideas to my novels and worldbuilding. I am passionate about art and technic as well so I make a lot of notes about technical points (is gomme arabic suitable to make an emulsion ? Is it a good approach to build up a character through my novel ?) or between artists and their style. I note my ideas of creation as well (and my brain is so much faster than my fingers). I take piece of humour as well (punchlines, comical every day life event…). And I love medecine for some reason.
I read the forum and the website since one year or more, I don't remember, but they were really helpfull to build up my writting process and I am here a little to bring up some of my thoughts if I can add something interesting, but much more to thank you all for helping me through your texts and messages.
English is not my mother tongue, and I am quite rusted, so my writing would not be as precise or as subtle as I want to be, so I am sorry in advance.
See you, and thank you
Howdy, Stranger!
Welcome to the forum! There are a few aspiring and budding writers here, so I think they will be very interested in what you have to share!
Thank you @Steve625 and @GeoEng51 !
I would be really happy to exchange about using a Zettelkasten for fiction, I am sure to have a lot to learn!
Welcome! I am personally invested in how you use the ZKM since I write some fantasy for a hobby (when I have some spare time which is not plenty..)
I am a Zettler
That's a nice hobby indeed =^^= I'll make a post about my method in the "Project" section, I'll notify you when I'll post it!
I read that you make a digital garden? I make one too! I am building it up now. I'll present my books, art, curation of artists, ideas, Zettelkasten subjects (not a lot because I am not an expert, but frenches entrepreneurs begin to invest attention in the subject with the "productivity" mindset and it pisses me off). Did you post something about your website ? Maybe your method could inspire me
I use to make a blog about my paintings, technical and art, but the work of machine calibrated articles was too unnatural to me. Internet is full of websites that are alike, and I dislike the way it goes now. As I concluded that the better way to change something is being a part of it… So, here I am !
And there, I wrote it, I hope it'll inspire you : Fantasy-writing-and-zettelkasten
@Loni Welcome to the gang! Interesting to see a fellow artist. While I don't write fiction or make drawings, I do create custom Yu-Gi-Oh! archetypes. In my mind, these activities are art because they involve visuals, imagination, and skill.
Thank you, but is that a welcome message, or a revendication to your right of calling yourself "artist" ?
I think I am not the one you try to convince here. Art or not, I don't mind it, keep on being creative the way you like and I'll be fine with it. The important part is you and what you like to do. My opinion does not weight much on this topic.
@Loni Actually, that was just to see if you knew about Yu-Gi-Oh!, which sadly doesn't seem to be the case. Anyways, I hope that you have a good time around here.
I am sorry, I am quite a "by word" person. Without interrogation mark, I can't see question. I used to watch the first season of Yu-Gi-Oh !, but I am more drawn by others Nekketsu like Jojo's, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen. My knowledge of mangas is limited however. I was an Final Fantasy player, Persona 3, Disgaea, now I play Civ or visual novels like Seten;Gates and Val-11 Hall-A when I have time
@Loni You may not play Yu-Gi-Oh!, but we have watched/played a lot of the same things. To be fair, I didn't make it far into some of them:
I'm into games that are social, competitive, difficult, or put me into constant adrenaline like as in fighting games. That's why I don't get along with RPGs.
RPG, no difficult ? Well… Don't say that to Oblivion or Shinmegami Tensei's fans
@Loni Oh no, I didn't mean it like that.
RPGs don't click with me, regardless of whether they have what I like. I hope that clears things up.
It was amusing to imagine their reactions, don't worry, I understand you were putting your criterias for what game you like ^^
I played Soul Calibur A LOT when I was younger. Now my fingers hurt too much to play so quick but I had some potential when I was able to concentrate. After that, I played some kind of IRL Soul Calibur too and it did not help the fingers issue at all
I did not see the Stein;Gates anime, but I hope it's a good one. (El psy kongroo).
Do you know Undertales ? Or Touhou ?
Not an amusing thought for me. Imagine a bunch of angry people waiting for me outside of my house. It's a good thing you got the message. Hopefully others will too and not go after me, hehe.
I never played that, but I did play Skullgirls for a long while. The competitive scene is... just wonderful. My fingers never suffered. I played with a joystick and took frequent breaks.
It's easily one of the best anime I've seen. That must be the choice of Steins Gate. Of course, your standards might be different. The movie was great too. And then there's Steins; Gate 0... We don't talk about it.
I played Undertale and I loved it. The whole thing about the player interacting with the world, the save states, characters remembering things you did but didn't save, and so on was mind blowing. First time I had an experience like that. The story also touched my heart. It was such a nice game. All good except for the combat. That's not my kind of thing.
As for Touhou, I'm not a fan of bullet hells, but I liked Touhou Luna Nights. Throwing knifes and manipulating time was fun. As I like to put it, it was the perfect Dio experience. It wasn't all that enjoyable though. I even forgot that I was playing a Metroidvania, I mention that because as you might have guessed it, I don't like Metroidvanias.
A bit of a tangential question: What visual novels have you played, besides VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action and Steins; Gate? I played lots, but only VA-11 Hall-A and Monster Prom stuck with me. If you played the latter, you may have noticed that my profile picture is Zoe, formerly known as "Z'Gord, Ruler of the Dark Realms".
You would be safe : it seems that most gamers are not the most active people in the world! x)
It wouldn't be enough in my case now ^^' I don't know Skullgirls, however, but graphisms make me think about Darkstallers, I've played the third of his name. I am quite oldschool in my references ^^'
Thank you for the anime, I will take a look when I will have the time to.
I agree for the principle and the story. Musics was so epic, damn I love the OST. I was awfully bad at this game, but the story kept me on track ! Sans and Pap
… OMG that's it. Sakuya and Dio share the same kind of powers. I will hear "Muuuuda muda muda mudamuda mudamuda mudaaaa" everytimes now ! I was baaaad at Touhou, but my bro did play for me and we followed the story together. And of course, I am in love with the music.
I played Dry Drowning, which is a thriller with investigation about crimes. But, at this time of my life, I had not the reflex to note my references into my Zettel, so some titles are lost forever, but I would recognize them if I play to it. I note Monster Prom for the next time I search one ! I have "A hate love story" to try. I will look if my bro remembers some title to recommand you. What were the thing that did not catch with you ?
I played Rimworld, it is not a visual novel but you end up with strange stories about someone in nervous breakdown taking corpses from graves to eat them on the kitchen table. All the characters you choose at the beginning of a game could have their own issues, it is a survival gestion game with a fun and random part.
Guess that hand pain isn't the same for everyone. That or I was doing something else too that helped me.
Also, I am oldschool too. Skullgirls is old for me considering my age.
You're welcome. Just don't expect anything different from the visual novel. I think that the anime and movie were an adaptation of a route in the game. But take that with a grain of salt. It's been a while since I've been involded in the Steins; Gate franchise.
Same, although I loved all the characters.
Hahaha. When I played it, I was literally thinking that I was Dio. The sound of throwing knifes was replaced by "Muda". As the clock ticked away while time was frozen, I counted the seconds like Dio did. When I met the first boss, I was like "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?". It was such a fun ride. And the soundtrack, including the sound effects, made it even better.
If memory serves, the characters or the plot bored me, or both.
VA-11 Hall-A's characters felt real and its plot caught me real good. I liked all the characters, but my favorite was Dorothy. I loved everything about her, including her hilarious sex jokes. In terms of story, Jill and her relationship with Lenore hooked me, and I loved how the ending wrapped things up.
As for Monster Prom, it's just a bunch of silly stuff, and I love a bunch of silly stuff. Dating monsters and messing around. An eldritch entity becoming a high schooler. Making everyone in the cafeteria have... what you do in bed when in love with someone but in group. Then telling them to pay you or else you'll show everyone filmed proof of what they've done. All in all, while the game sounds like a no no, it's a fun ride.
It is osteoarthritis, combined with too much work for my novels and all, combined with old wounds, gain in hard work, boxe and sword fighting… It is… stupid. I was young, full of anger and while I am relatively insensitive to pain, my body found a way to scream "stop" at me.
So there is the epical baddest advice ever : don't do sport. That's escalated quickly, doesn't it ? xD
That sounds epic ! I would like to play an official Dio fighting game now.
I really enjoy the way Zun, Touhou's creator, tweaked Yokais and chinese mythology to create an univers of his own. He created everything alone at first, from character to music, and code of course. That is the kind of thing I would see you do yourself.
Dorothy was cute, and fun, and all. She carries a lot of questions about society and people's needs just by herself, I was like "where can I adopt you, little you ?". While Jill is a touching character, my fav was Dana Zane. Mysterious and kind, caring, but not the kind you mess up with her.
Seems that anything in this game rides anything as well xD Sounds fun, I should definitively take a look when I'll have more time !
See you, Annyanbella =^^=
There you have it kids. Don't do sports. You'll lose your limbs. Then you'll get robotic implants, but will no longer feel a thing, probably.
There are plenty of JoJo games to choose from, although most of them are fighting games.
Sounds like me.
Ah, Dana. No wonder Jill liked them. I would be attracted too if they were real.
And you said you didn't have that many jokes to pull off. Nice pawn!
Humans in-furr-ior. Robots su-purr-ior.
Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/fatsunaga/status/1135346350256771078