Zettelkasten Forum

Book Teaser (2nd Edition): Improved Diagram of the Flow of Value Creation

imageBook Teaser (2nd Edition): Improved Diagram of the Flow of Value Creation

A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing that creates an interconnected web of thought. Its emphasis is on connection and not mere collection of ideas.

Read the full story here


  • Hello Sascha, I love reading your blog but I'm curious: when you plan to release the second edition of the book? It will be also in English?

  • @geovaly said:
    Hello Sascha, I love reading your blog but I'm curious: when you plan to release the second edition of the book? It will be also in English?

    I am currently working on version 2.1 (the beta readers have already read the 2.0 and I am now revising). My realistic estimation is a couple of months if nothing goes crazy.

    When it is done I will attack the translation into English afterwards which not take soo much time. It will for sure the next focus after the German Version is out.

    I am a Zettler

  • Thank you Sascha, looking forward to read it.

  • Thanks for this one. I just started looking into Zettelkasten and this is first time I see what made me uneasy when reading the book of Sönke Ahrens: the solemn focus on publishing. Here you nicely add the self development to the mix. Well done.

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