Zettelkasten Forum

Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. December 8, 2023

This is about you! 🫵🏼

Swimming with Ideas

This is another installment of the What Are You Working On? thread. Please be courageous and add to this thread by telling us what is happening in and around your ZK journey. Join the community and enlighten us about your knowledge path trajectory. I do this for selfish reasons. It helps me clarify my goals and visualize my thinking. And sometimes, a conversation sparks an idea worth exploring. This is an invitation to you to up your participation in the discussion.

Ideas I'm exploring with my ZK:

  • I have been contemplating the concept of intelligence density and its implications. My focus has been on my own intellectual capacity and how to make improvements. I have noticed a significant lack of intellectual richness in what little media I'm exposed to.
  • A note requires a UUID, but the need to have it in the filename is unclear. Is this just forced on us because of a past nostalgic habit?
  • My productivity is negatively impacted by a decline in focus in the evening hours. I plan to implement a new routine scheduled for 8:00 PM to steer my performance consciously. We'll see if this approach is successful.
  • I'm done with Air Quality, Pollution & Smoke GEOL454, onto Young Adult Literature EDCI445 university class. I have a short winter break in which to focus on programming and woodworking.

Things I'm reading: all fiction for a change.

  • Difficult loves. Calvino, Italo. 1970. - Relationships
  • Heartburn. Ephron, Nora. 1983. - Food/relationship Fiction
  • The path to the spiders' nests. Calvino, Italo. 1947. - WW2 Youth Literature
  • Lessons in chemistry. Garmus, Bonnie. 2022. - Humor

Music I'm listening to:


The "My rolling ten-day zettel production" is produced by a script for attachment to my daily journaling template. I do my journaling in Bear to keep personal journaling separate from my knowledge work.

Let me know if you would like to discuss any of these notes.

My ten day zettel production

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • Ideas I'm exploring with my ZK:

    • I am currently pulling together a meta view for my approach on the way of living (1)
    • AI girlfriends as avatars of a single monster
    • Maps of Meaning (just coincidental, same term as Jordan Peterson's), a technical approach on how meaning is caused and can be known. (you can have meaning without knowing it and confabulate meaning as well)
    • Incentive Structures in the Lifeworld
    • The relationship between past, current and future self.

    Things I'm reading

    • BJ Fogg - Tiny Habits
    • Various stuff on will, habit, self-control

    Music I'm listening to:

    • During the morning: Most of the time nothing.
    • Still, most of the time the Skyrim OST

    Zettels of the last couple of days

    • MEI Branding Brand management
    • AI Girlfriend
    • AI Artificial intelligence
    • Training for health vs performance
    • Health Robustness Fitness
    • Habit as a map of meaning
    • Incentive structure of the living environment
    • Mythologem Charlie from the box
    • Pyramid model
    • Series Elfen Lied
    • Akrasia-Enkrateia
    • Habitual work is part of self-discipline
    • Self-control as a way of life of good habits
    • Self-reported self-control as a measurement of results
    • Principal-agent problem of the future self



    • Traum = Dream
    • Lust = Pleasure
    • Schmerz = Pain
    • Wille = Will

    I am a Zettler

  • @Will said:

    • A note requires a UUID, but the need to have it in the filename is unclear. Is this just forced on us because of a past nostalgic habit?

    I assume the word "us" in this point refers to you? Some of us have never put a UUID in the filename. I don't think the need is unclear: whether you need the ID in the filename or not depends on how your system is designed.

  • edited December 2023

    Ideas I'm exploring with my ZK

    • How to update templates for Zettelkasten: Provide a strategy to minimize cost of change when you need an update of your structured templates and you still have many notes created with the old versions of your template in your Zettelkasten.
    • Scalability of a Zettelkasten: Which design elements help to improve the Scalability of a Zettelkasten.
    • Tidying Up a Zettelkasten: Applying the KonMari method to tidying up my notes in a Zettelkasten system.
    • The 7 Deadly Sins: The seven deadly sins someone should be aware of when using a Zettelkasten.

    What are your favorite sins? Which ones are missing?

    Things I'm reading

    • Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. Skin in the Game - Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life. Random House, 2018.
    • Great Thinkers: Simple Tools from Sixty Great Thinkers to Improve Your Life Today (School of Life Library) Hardcover – Illustrated, 30 Jan. 2018
    • Calvino, Italo. Mr. Palomar. 1st Harvest/HBJ ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1986.

    Music I'm listening to

    • Ooh! I didn't find any tag #type/music in my Zettelkasten ;-)

    My 30 day zettel production

    Edmund Gröpl
    100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.

  • @Sascha said:

    • Training for health vs performance

    That's an interesting topic for me. And I'm still searching for motivating concepts and strategies.

    Edmund Gröpl
    100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.

  • @Edmund said:
    Ideas I'm exploring with my ZK

    • How to update templates for Zettelkasten: Provide a strategy to minimize cost of change when you need an update of your structured templates and you still have many notes created with the old versions of your template in your Zettelkasten.
    • Scalability of a Zettelkasten: Which design elements help to improve the Scalability of a Zettelkasten.

    These are ideas I wish I'd paid more (any) attention to when I started out. I'm now working on this. It is harder than it should be. You're thinking that you want to "minimize the cost of change" is strong advice. As a Python programmer and having all my notes as separate markdown files, it is easier to manipulate them than if they were in some proprietary database format. It still isn't trivial.

    A quick check on the basic formatting goal of each note having YAML frontmatter. I came to this late. I'm working on a fix.
    Total files: 3719
    Files without YAML: 1250
    Percentage of files without YAML: 33.61%

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Edmund said:

    @Sascha said:

    • Training for health vs performance

    That's an interesting topic for me. And I'm still searching for motivating concepts and strategies.

    Then Peter Attia and Ben Patrick are your main guys.

    I am a Zettler

  • edited December 2023

    For a few days this week, I collaborated with ChatGPT4 on a SAML2 service provider in Python with single-logout capability. Here's the text of a LinkedIn-style post :trollface: taken from a Zettel on the adventure.

    🐍 Python SAML2 Service Provider Project: a productive struggle with ChatGPT4 🚀

    I completed a Python-based SAML2 Service Provider using the Flask and pysaml2 libraries today. Technical difficulties and the memory limitations of the famous Large Language Model marked the collaboration with ChatGPT4. Some highlights:

    1. 💻 Direct Engagement with pysaml2 Code: The pysaml2 Python module is known for its sparse documentation. Handling SingleLogout requests and responses required reading the pysaml2 GitHub source code--a productive struggle. For example, parsing SAMLRequests had to be programmed iteratively. Instead of

    one had to write

       for key, value in request.args.items():
           if key == 'SAMLRequest':
               logout_request_encoded = value

    ChatGPT4 repeatedly forgot this detail--among others. It was necessary to add this correction to the custom instructions.

    1. 🔧 Crafting Manual SAML Protocols: Constructing LogoutResponses manually to meet SAML2 requirements involved embedding responses in auto-submitted HTML forms and modifying them in place to include redirection on logout:
     response_html = "<form method='POST' action='{idp_logout_endpoint}'>...</form>"
    1. 🤖 Collaborative Setbacks with ChatGPT4: ChatGPT's token memory limitations led to frequent context loss. Equally frequent re-statement of the programming context and the project objectives during the collaboration helped avoid the false confidence often associated with effortless learning. Instead, such desirable difficulties fostered an improved understanding and retention of the SAML2 implementation details.

    2. 🌐 Real-World Application and Reinforced Learning: Programming a SAML2 service provider with single-logout capability is a worthwhile programming exercise in digital identity management. The collaboration with ChatGPT4, despite setbacks and limitations, enhanced the learning process, emphasizing persistence and in-depth problem-solving.

      #Python #SAML2 #pysaml2 #Security #DigitalIdentity #desirabledifficulty #productivestruggle

    The code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/flengyel/pysaml2-service-provider

    I have other adventures, but writing about them may have to wait.

    Post edited by ZettelDistraction on

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @Sascha said:
    Then Peter Attia and Ben Patrick are your main guys.

    Thank You 😊. - Two good starting points for the new year. 👍

    Edmund Gröpl
    100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.

  • @Will said:
    These are ideas I wish I'd paid more (any) attention to when I started out. I'm now working on this. It is harder than it should be.


    Total files: 3719
    Files without YAML: 1250
    Percentage of files without YAML: 33.61%

    Yes, it seems to be hard work. But the good news are: The structure of my ZK is getter better prepared for any analysis, every day.

    Total files: 4242
    Permanent Notes: 1000 (really, 😀)
    Good Notes: 20,1 %

    Definition of Good (DoG)

    • Notes in predefined folder "3_Permanent Notes"
    • Timestamp "created" and "modified" in properties section
    • Lead paragraph (a short description of the idea) in properties section
    • Link to the source (outgoing link) provided
    • Mandatory tags #type and #theme used

    What’s your Definition of Good?

    Edmund Gröpl
    100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.

  • What’s your Definition of Good?

    1. A high number of cognitive actions were invested into the note (leading indicator)
    2. The idea itself is of a high quality
    3. The proper amount of value-adding has taken place (instead of just extracting the evidence from the source)
    4. The proper relationship of the embedded idea(s) is established.

    No relationship between my concept of "good" and metadata or any formalities is established, since I treat them as obligatory, but as necessary evils.

    I am a Zettler

  • edited December 2023

    Yes, for sure. My Definition of Good (DoG) is based on formal parameters only, that can be measured automatically by a script. It describes the quality standards for a note in my Zettelkasten in a state that they can be effectively inspected.

    For me it is something like a base line.

    1. A high number of cognitive actions were invested into the note (leading indicator)

    It's a perfect criteria. But how to meaure? Number of visits for this note? Number of changes? Number of backlinks to this idea? Or a key in YAML with an estimated value of 0 - 10?

    1. The idea itself is of a high quality.

    But what are the criteria for high quality? (Good = High quality)

    Not an easy task. And what I've learned from data science:

    If a dataset is not designed for your purpose, don’t expect it to work for your purpose.
    -- Cassie Kozyrkov

    Post edited by Edmund on

    Edmund Gröpl
    100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.

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