Zettelkasten Forum

Share ZKM your ZK plans for 20 Mar - 26 Mar? What were your successes from last week?

edited March 2022 in Your Current Projects


2022 Week 12

Last Week

  • Onboarding and refactoring "Paul, Annie Murphy. The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021." My experience working in my ZK with the notes from reading Annie Paul's book was basso-profundo. The ideas resonated, and it was easy to rewrite the highlights with my understanding and find relevant links to what was already in my ZK.
  • Reading "Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson."

This Week

  • More reading and onboarding "Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson."
  • I'm most excited about the development of a proximity search tool! While refactoring and deep linking "The Extended Mind," the near_search.py proved itself. It quickly surfaced surprisingly relevant link candidates that would have taken lots of time and frustration to find.
  • I want to start on a short video presentation on using citations with The Archive integrating Zotero and Pandoc for perfect Markdown to PDF or Word documents. You can easily cite using any style (CMOS, MLA, APA, IEEE, or whatever) and have the final document outputted in any format you need.

Trivia. These are the last ten notes I've created. Show me yours!

- PKMs Lack Tactile Knowledge [20220319]
        - Successful knowledge creation is partly tactual and partly mental.
- ZK Proximity Search [20220319]        
- Attention Drainage Effect [20220318]      
- Awareness Of The Inner State Of The Body [20220318]   
- Stories solidify information [20220318]
        - We put ourselves in the heat of the battle. Story conflicts are our conflicts.
- The Act of Note Making [20220318]     
- Cycle Social Engagement and Withdrawal [20220318]
        - Intermittent collaboration with deep thinking is the best. 
- Types Of Movement That Extend Thinking [20220318]
        - Move your body to move thinking. 
- Nine Extra-neural Ideas for Extending Thought [20220318]      
- What is Gazed at Indicates Expertise [20220318]
Post edited by Will on

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • edited March 2022

    Just getting over a nasty cold that lasted most of last week. About all I got accomplished was some maintenance on my ZK - creating links where none existed, tidying up tags, "finishing" partially complete zettels (at least to a decent condition), and randomly fine-tuning some zettels that I happened upon doing all of the above. So, it was a low energy week, but not totally unproductive.

    I did create one new zettel that is titled 202202031813 On Believing Deceiving and Seeing, which was prompted by a quote I heard in an engineering meeting: "I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it" :smile: That turnabout phrase actually produced some interesting cogitation, which I hadn't anticipated with the first chuckle.

    This coming week I'm finishing off a visit with a daughter in UT, then travelling back to WA and BC. So I imagine it will be more of the same activity as this past week.

    Hopefully once back home I will have more energy and some time that I can block out to write a number of zettels that are on my "to do" list. One series of zettels that I've started but not made much progress on, is comparing Creationist stories from various religions and cultures to what my lifetime of learning as a geological engineer has taught me. I have no preconceived notion about how that will turn out, by the way - I'm fascinated by both.

    @Will - thanks for your enthusiasm, keeping this thread going.

  • Phew! Most of my attention and time from Thursday to Tuesday was occupied by moving out of the shared flat with Sascha and in with my girlfriend. Still adjusting, and some electronics and wiring needs to be done, but the "battlestation" itself is operational and I can work on The Archive and finish everything that I didn't finish last week :)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Like @ctietze I am occupied by renovating. But I need to paint the walls, lay a new floor in the kitchen and be the worker ant in general for my girlfriend. :) (Assemble the new kitchen, etc.)

    When this is finished:

    • Improve the manuscript further, so I can send the improved sections to the beta readers.
    • Process Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson

    I am a Zettler

  • @Will Glad to see that you've kept the thread going.

    March 3-24

    • Came out to my family. Can't say it was a success, but it wasn't a failure either.
    • Gave up on Skullgirls. It has no place in my life.
    • Gave up on Yu-Gi-Oh! too, but I'll keep it for a while until I get into meditation.
    • Set up the laptop after getting it repaired and the Internet connection coming back.

    This Week

    • Get back on the groove.
    • Become sassier.

    Last 10 Zettels

    • 202203031622 Statement visualization
    • 202203031504 I am Annabella
    • 202202261618 There should be no gender
    • 202202251059 How to come out of the closet
    • 202202250958 Gender expression visualization
    • 202202250910 Gender expression isn't a way to know a person's gender identity
    • 202202250902 Gender manifestations
    • 202202241151 Gender expression
    • 202202230842 The Black Swan of my identity
    • 202202221428 Anatomy of an umbrella
  • @ctietze - We hope the girlfriend works out.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited March 2022

    @Sascha - Let us worker ants of the world be united. We should be wishing you congratulations too.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Dang, @Will. Somehow, you nailed the difference in personality of Christian and me in the pictures. :D

    I am a Zettler

  • @Will said:
    Trivia. These are the last ten notes I've created. Show me yours!

    This gave me an idea. Not sure if you thought of it or not. What would you say about encouraging us to share the filename of the Zettels created last week? That could spark some additional conversations in the form of users asking other users about certain Zettels of theirs. Besides, Zettlers may create more or less than 10 Zettels in a week.

  • @Annabella said:
    This gave me an idea. Not sure if you thought of it or not. What would you say about encouraging us to share the filename of the Zettels created last week? That could spark some additional conversations in the form of users asking other users about certain Zettels of theirs. Besides, Zettlers may create more or less than 10 Zettels in a week.

    My goal is to encourage you to share a list of the ten most recent zettel as you did in your post to this thread. I showed the ten most recently created zettel I had created in my post to this thread. If you look at the UUIDs, you'll see that it is only two days' worth of work.

    I called this section 'Trivia' after @ctietze used that term, and I thought it appropriate.

    Please share what you have been working on or will be working on soon. Please share what you wish you'd be working on with us. Use this as a public accountably tool, as a way to start a conversation, and to socialize your understanding.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:
    Please share what you have been working on or will be working on soon. Please share what you wish you'd be working on with us. Use this as a public accountably tool, as a way to start a conversation, and to socialize your understanding.

    I forgot about that. Anyways, I meant like not just 10, but all Zettels created within the last week.

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