Best format to add context when linking to another Zettel?
Hi everyone!
Is this the best way to reference other Zettels? I know the question is subjective. Just looking for a clean way to say:
This idea links to zettel "B" and here's the ID and Title. Revisions welcome.
Zettel with Linked Zettel ID and Context:
Contextual Zettel:
Thank you!
Howdy, Stranger!
I think you are on the right track. I'd suggest the "See" and the ":" are not necessary. If you have 3 note links, would you say "See" each time?
As your zettel gets more and more linked, you'll find some zettel will have several links. The list format is easier on the eye than the inline method you used. In addition, the list format allows for some "subtitles" like in the example.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@Will Thank you! You're right that the list format is easier to read. Also thanks for pairing the subject matter of your example with my question.
The rule of thumb for that is: Give your future self a good reason to follow the link.
But if you are just after placing a link that is about expanding a concept, a thought etc.: I just place the link directly after what I want to exand. After a word the link will go to expansion on the concept. After a sentence, the link expands on the sentence.
I am a Zettler
Good thinking. I like that.
@Sascha Thank you! makes sense.