[Theme] Three custom themes for The Archive - Harz, Götenburg and Rotterdam
I'm quite new to "the archive" app. So far I'm enjoying it a lot, but I found most themes a bit lacklustre. So I spent way too much time making some new ones. I have found this website to be a great resource, so I'm sharing these themes as a way to contribute. These themes are a work in progress, so expect some weird colours in places and updates sometime in the future.
The font used in all of these screenshots is iA Writer Quattro.
Links (dropbox)
Inspirations: The forest in Autumn, Atom.io website, Gruvbox (vim)
Inspirations: the artist Simon Stålenhag and pen-paper-coffee-syntax (atom)
Post edited by RedArc on
Howdy, Stranger!
Oh man, the iA Writer font looks great in these shots. Wow.
When you feel development on the themes have settled down further, please send me an email if you want to have them part of the public theme repository at https://github.com/Zettelkasten-Method/The-Archive-Themes
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
When I'm done tinkering around, and have checked the colours of some of the markdown syntax I rarely use, I will do exactly that.
@RedArc, cool. I love the way you've tweaked the themes. Especially Rotterdam.
Seem the link to Götenborg is broken??
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I'm glad you like them. Götenborg should be fixed now.
@RedArc Many thanks for these themes. I feel as though they breathe some life in The Archive. I am currently using Götenburg with Harz set to cut in this evening.
@DavidWJ Great. Let me know if you see anything weird or out of place (or any other requests).
@RedArc I will do.
@RedArc These links don't work any more, unfortunately. Any chance of restoring them?
BTW I'm fully with you on using the iAWriter font – I already have done that and they are so great.
@RedArc bumping this thread to see if I we can get links to these themes, as none of the originals work. I'd love to use these!
In case @RedArc doesn't get back to us. I have them and can share them with you.
RA Göteborg (Light).theme.json
RA Harz (Dark).theme.json
RA Rotterdam (Light).theme.json
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Thank you so much, @Will .
Are they open source/creative commons? Perhaps, we add them to our repository? @ctietze
I am a Zettler