Zettelkasten Forum

Alfred Workflow for Bookends reference manager

Sharing this because I have seen many people tell they use Alfred and not Keyboard Maestro (like myself), so if you use Bookends as a reference/citation manager get yourself this very handy Workflow.

Bookends Tools

The keywords 'becite' and 'bebib' are worth it by themselves, as they allow a variety of interaction through Alfred with Bookends, and getting reference information into your notes.

For example, having put CTRL-ALT-CMD-B as trigger for the keyword 'bebib' and then searching (for an author) provides you with an interactive list of results.

If you then go to one of the results, and press the CMD key and ENTER, the following reference text will be copied over to your note:

[#garrison2009]: Garrison, J. (2009). Dewey’s Constructivism: From the Reflex Arc Concept to Social Constructivism. In L. A. Hickman, S. Neubert, & K. Reich (Eds.), John Dewey Between Pragmatism & Constructivism (pp. 84-105). New York: Fordham University Press.

In essence, this is the same style format as Christian and Sascha use it in the Youtube videos.

I am a Zettler, ie 'one who zettles'
research: pragmatism, 4e cognitive science, metaphor | you can't be neutral on a moving train


  • I like this - thanks for sharing. The missing element for me is the link - which I find so essential in my zettelkasten. So, yes, I’m a keyboard maestro user with a macro that takes me to Bookends, waits for me to type the search term, once I’ve found the reference I hit a hit a hot key, and it copies the ref and the link, and pastes them back in the Archive. These tools are pretty magical!

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