[request] Have a different set of saved searches for each zettelkasten
I've been keeping more than one zettelkasten, and a sticking point for me is that there's no way to keep different saved searches for each zettelkasten. The contents of my zettelkastens are completely different, and so need different tags, but currently there can only a single set of saved searches for all of them.
Maybe there could be an option to save the saved searches config per-directory? Or maybe even as a dotfile in the directory itself, which would let the saved searches config sync with Dropbox?
Howdy, Stranger!
The second benefit of a dotfile in the directory itself would be the ability to sync saved searches across various Macs. Saving recreating them X times.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I used another Mac for a couple of days now and I do now feel the point. Sascha and I figured this configuration stuff should become part of the note archive folder in the past, so I'll be working on it
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Can you list the different archives of you?
I am a Zettler
@Sascha They're project folders that I don't want mixed with my main zettelkasten.
*I don't want to mix notes containing details of my private life with my main notes. If I share my notes with someone, for example, I don't want to accidentally expose any of my private matters.
**For the book zettelkasten, I use them as "incubation chambers" to let ideas grow to a reasonable size before merging them into my main zettelkasten. The range of topics I'm interested vary a lot, so if I add a note from a new topic to my main zettelkasten, there's often nothing to link to at first. If I add them anyway, unlinked, they tend to get lost in my massive results list and are never read or linked to again.