Zettelkasten Forum

[feature request] Tab navigation: ⌘+Num to select tab and Middle-click/⌘-click to open in new tab

Hello, I am back again with two more feature requests:

  1. ⌘+num to select tab
  2. Middle-click/⌘-click to open link in new tab

Are these in the plan? Thanks for the consideration.


  • I went looking to see if someone had created this feature request and, lo and behold, they had! Particularly item 1. This is how Safari works and it makes it very easy to navigate between the first few tabs. This would be a killer addition for me.

  • edited July 2023

    @orderinthecourts said:
    Hello, I am back again with two more feature requests:

    1. ⌘+num to select tab
    2. Middle-click/⌘-click to open link in new tab

    Apparently I didn't reply back then -- ⌘-Click does open links in new tabs for a while now 👍 :)

    ⌘+num to select a tab is still a good suggestion; the number's aren't taken up by default, although I rebound these keys to my saved searches. That would still be possible. Will keep you posted. (Also see here for a similar request)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Thanks! And so that it doesn't go without saying, I continue to love and heavily use The Archive!

  • @UnfoundedRumor said:
    Thanks! And so that it doesn't go without saying, I continue to love and heavily use The Archive!


    I am a Zettler

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