Reading Habits: Putting It All Together

The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
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The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
Your note and grouping method is quite similar to the Affinity Diagramming (a sort of brainstorming AKA Kawakita Jiro or KJ Method):
My rough comparison (the headers are the reading method and affinity diagramming are the process steps (stolen from the website above)):
Read and Take Notes:
1. Present the topic or define the problem clearly
2. Give the team index cards or sticky-notes
3. Ask them to write an idea or issue per card
4. Call out the ideas or issues and hang them on the wall
5. Lead the team to silently sort the ideas or issues into categories
Create Zettel:
6. Lead them labeling each group of cards
7. Eliminate duplicate ideas
8. Add arrows between items and groups to show significant relationships
Hey, that's an interesting find! You're right, the similarities are striking, which increases my faith in the principles of the Zettelkasten method
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Looks like the top down method of the process I utilise with a bottom up flow instead.
I am a Zettler