Greetings from Thailand
Hello Forum,
I'm a retiree from Germany, moved some years ago to Thailand. Now living in the middle of ricefields (and of nowhere), enjoying being free of stress now and having any time I wish to read, think and work with the Zettelkasten.
Some years ago I used The Archive (actually since the first beta versions) with much pleasure. Then I left the Apple ecosystem and made my switch to Linux. Unfortunately that meant a bye-bye to The Archive.
During the last years I tried a bunch of other software - Zkn3, Zim, Zettlr, Cherrytree, vim, emacs, nvpy, Logseq, Obsidian, you name it. Eventually I realized, that in Linux I don't need all of that, just a simple text editor, fzf + ripgrep will do the job.
Happy being back to this wonderful friendly forum.
Ahoy -
Howdy, Stranger!
Welcome, Chris - good to hear from you. Your location and lifestyle sound enviable!
Yes, I like it here very much. But it's definitely not for everyone. To live in the tropical nature is not that easy - at least you need to be really healthy to stand it. Also to deal with the rural culture (here Guay and Khmer people) can be pretty challenging.
We're now more or less independent (our garden gives more fruit we could ever eat; two big ponds with fish; off-grid solar; built our houses with adobe by ourselves etc.). A lot of work - but one is free.
Anyways - to move to this place was the best decision of my life - so far
Welcome Chris. I'm sure you'll bring a new perspective to our Zettelkasten community.
Edmund Gröpl
100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.
This 100%. Switching to a CLI-based system has opened me up to all sorts of new ways to organize and interact with my files. I wish more people were aware of how powerful and versatile the command line can be.
Thx Edmund
So true.
Welcome @ChrisJoh !
I also use a workflow based on vim + fzf + ugrep. Do you mind sharing some more details about your setup? :-)
In my setup, the most important command is
which implements a full-text search in my Zettelkasten which tries to imitate the Archive full-text searcher.The result is a search window like this when I press Space in normal mode.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” —Isaac Newton
My main Zettelkasten is a physical one. More and more I ditch the computer for this.
In the digital world I work with a simple GUI editor - see my comment in this post and using a simple bash script.
In vim just plugins: junegunn's fzf and fzf.vim. In neovim ibhagwan's fzf-lua.
Thanks @ChrisJoh ! I'll take a look at your setup and the post you point out for inspiration :-)
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” —Isaac Newton