Visualizing hierarchies with treemap tools
My imagination doesn't suffice to come up with a good use of a treemap visualization tool for my Zettelkasten, but maybe you can use this
more colorful treemap
One would need to start somewhere and then traverse all links into a tree-like structure, then use the visualization tool.
The problem with the link network of a Zettelkasten is it's potentially cyclic nature. You can have links from A→B
and B→A
at the same time.
So maybe this lends itself more to the group of #Folgezettel aficionados.
Anyway, please share your stuff if you try this!
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In hindsight, Sacha was 40% of my reasons to give Emacs a chance.
I am a Zettler
So I took a quick swipe at this. I'm already generating a Map of Content for each community of notes in my Zettelkasten. It's basically a way of grouping notes, based on the network of folgezettel, which results in 9 separate communities containing all my notes.
Before I can draw the treemap, there's a few questions I needed to answer first:
As you might expect, using treemap, you'll end up with an image that's barely readable, and not really usable. It also tends to eat smaller notes (fewer incoming connections) in order to "improve" readability. There's probably ways to improve layout and add a URL map, but I can't really be bothered:
Treemap generates a SVG file, which you can zoom into nearly without limit. The forum doesn't allow SVG though, so the above is a PNG conversion of the generated file.