Do you always link a new zettel into a structure note?
Hi all,
This is a question for those of you who use structure notes: When adding a new zettel into your archive, do you make it a practice to always link the new zettel into at least one structure note?
Howdy, Stranger!
99% of the time. Very rarely, I just branch from a normal note.
I am a Zettler
And that's to make sure that new notes doesn't dissappear in the collection, but can be found where it "belongs"?
No. Nothing makes anything sure. With the mindset of ensuring everything in a life long archive of thoughts and ideas you will paralyse yourself: Every new note will take more time to be integrated than the note before.
But it is enough to make sure that a note has a good place. I depending on the note I link from zero to twenty other notes. It all depends on the context. Some notes are more "alive" and seek more links. Other notes are just additional thoughts to a already existing note.
It is basically the same principle that Luhmann used: A note has to be somewhere (Luhmann = Folgezettel; Me = Branching). Then you put some additional links to it. Fin.
I am a Zettler
Thanks for the brief but insightful comments, @Sascha!
My current thinking is that whenever you add a note to the archive, there is some purpose to that addition, and the links should reflect that purpose. That way you're not just putting stuff in willy nilly with no way to retrieve it, but you're also not paralyzing yourself trying to imagine all possible future uses for the note.
I do it with the same intention. I link with purpose and try not to overthink it. Luhmann did it with paper. We should be able to manage it with modern technology
I am a Zettler