Interested to learn more about the planned "Scriptability" feature from the Roadmap.
As a polyglot software engineer by day (and by night, and in the morning, too), I'm always keen to tweak editors I use via any scripting language available. (I'm that weird guy in the dark corner of the room who likes BOTH Emacs AND Vim precisely because they are so extensible.)
In fact, org-roam for Emacs is what turned me onto Zettelkasten, but I (so far) like the system you've evolved for managing the Zettels better, which is why I went ahead and purchased The Archive. My only complaint is that The Archive limited to Mac OS X, because I work on Windoze and Linux as well.
So, any info about what you're planning that feature to entail would be of great interest to me.
- ER
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