I am been testing things out on something and wanted to share
Recently, I started to sense that I was really struggling with using my Zettelkasten. For whatever reason, feeling some order in the midst to the chaos, seemed out of my grasp without spending a lot of time figuring things out. So, I thought to myself, "What if I just started over, and tried out folgezettel even though I think @Sascha has convinced me it shouldn't be necessary?"
Well, I have to report early that, while I feel like someone that should be able to workout without the need for a personal trainer, I like the personal trainer... a lot.
I don't know what it is! But, there is something about the id's and just needing to loosely relate one to the next one that helps to create focus and clarity.
I'm sorry for this moment, leaving: 20231125055521 -- At least for now. Maybe one day, I'll be able to exercise without a personal trainer. But, today, I'm just happy I'm working out.
Howdy, Stranger!
I think whatever works for you is great - you don't have to apologize for not fitting the mainline groove!
I, too, felt out of place among the timestamps. Here is a selection of the IDs I settled on--for better or worse, in sickness and ill health--more out of inanition than anything else. They satisfy the regular expression

.GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
Interesting. I also decided to restart my zettelkasten using folgezettel, but for different reasons. I have a paper zettelkasten, and I've been using wrongly the folgezettel (as categories, not trains of thought; I read "Folgezettel is not an Outline" by Bob Doto and understood it, finally). And I will move back to my country, so I can't take my slipbox with me. So i decided to restart it in Obsidian, It is still very new, and I still prefer the palpability of paper.
Here's a picture
Of course, I am still deciding in the Workflow, the atomicity of notes, etc. But I don't want to overthink it.
Tell me, what are the areas you're studing with the zettelkasten?
Yeah. The train of thought dynamic is very central to what I am realizing I like about this approach.
I'm still using The Archive. I can put [[1.3]] for the ID which then pulls it up via a search. I like this more than having to do both [[ID+title]] as native to something like Obsidian. I'm very thankful for the work of @ctietze on The Archive.
As to what I am currently writing notes on: I'm currently getting my masters in project management. So, that will be an important thread. Also, a continual interest in learning and knowledge is an important thread. I started writing some notes on the need for prior knowledge to process and learn new information. But, now that note has lead me to write a few notes on Frame Semantics which came out of linguistics as a semantic frame relates to prior knowledge, etc.
If it works, it works.
It seems to me that you then you use the note list to a greater extent to orient yourself?
I am a Zettler
Yeah. I think so.
I'm finding the habit it is helping me to develop is asking myself, "What relationship(s) does this (new) idea relate/link to?" I then look through the note list. This is a good reminder of my past notes, and the ideas within them. I think previously I wasn't as careful to look at how the new note and idea integrates with the prior notes. Again, I think this is a matter of habit. But, this set up constrains one to do it more so, which I think is a good thing for me. In other words, it shouldn't be necessary, but I'll take the scaffolding it provides.
Ah, I see.
Most likely, you are a right.
I am a Zettler