Hola and Servus from Christoph
Hello Zettlers,
my name is Christoph und I am originally from Bavaria/Germany but I've been living in Spain for three and a half years. Currently, I am studying History at the University of Zaragoza. I am not new to the Zettelkasten method itself, however, it's only been in the last weeks that I started taking it more seriously. As you might have guessed, my primary use is academic. I'm currently using The Archive for storing my Zettels. Looking forward to interesting discussions and participating in the Zettelkasten community after being a passive onlooker for several years.
Happy zettling!
"Denken ohne Geländer"
Hannah Arendt
Howdy, Stranger!
@ChristophPleininger Welcome, Christoph - look forward to hearing from you on the forum!
Willkommen im Forum!
I am a Zettler
@GeoEng51 thank you very much
@Sascha Vielen Dank!
"Denken ohne Geländer"
Hannah Arendt
Hola, Christoph! Just moved to Spain myself. Also new to this.
@ChristophPleininger Welcome! 😀☀️
Edmund Gröpl
100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.