Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. September 11, 2023
Things I'm reading:
- Peter Attia, Outlive
- Gottlob Frege, Der Gedanke: eine logische Untersuchung (The thought: A logical inquiry)
- The first ZK101 iteration. Pushing myself pretty hard on that.
Music I'm listening to:
- The most awesome metal cover of the most awesome song in the world.
- Some 80s Synthwave
- Mozart (with my daughter)
Things I'm writing about:
- The Zettelkasten Method for Content Marketing
- How to stop being an idiot about buying decisions. (How to think about value)
- Why I never jump six steps (Suboptimisation of Areas of Responsibility Aging
- Field Report: How I prepared Primal Branding for processing
- Thresholds for concentration
Ideas I'm studying:
Mostly identical with my writing. But I ruminate on some topics, before I tackle them systematically:
- How to Deal with People who you love, but they themselves don't give a shit for themselves.
- How to adapt to fundamental changes in the way of living.
- Branding of my health and fitness platform.
I am a Zettler
Howdy, Stranger!
Swimming with Ideas
Another installment of the What Are You Working On? thread.
Add to this thread by telling us what is happening in and around your ZK journey. Join the community and enlighten us about your knowledge path trajectory. I do this for selfish reasons. It helps me clarify my goals and visualize my thinking. And sometimes, a conversation sparks an idea worth exploring.
Things I'm reading:
Things I'm writing about:
Music I'm listening to:
Ideas I'm thinking about:
The "My rolling ten-day zettel production" is produced by a script for attachment to my daily journaling template. I do my journaling in Bear to keep personal journaling separate from my knowledge work.
My rolling ten-day zettel production
My ten day zettel production
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.