The reference manager for note-taking
Hi again !
I saw about reference manager tools (like Zotero) for the process of note-taking (not especially for Zettelkasten).
- Is it as useful as it pretends to be ?
- Why do you use one ?
- How does it fit in your workflow ?
Thanks !
Howdy, Stranger!
I love Zotero. It's free yet equal to other high end reference managers which cost hundreds of dollars. Since I do occasionally publish my work, Zotero insures I have references for everything I make notes on - and lets me format the papers easily. It also allows me to save a pdf with every reference which is another big plus!
Thank you. Can you incorporate easily into a kindle ebook?
Zotero user here. Very useful and will work with Pandoc.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
How do you proceed for each zettel ?
Something like this ?
I mean, for each atomic note based on reading a book, do you mention the reference (like example above) ?
BibDesk. Simple and enough.
I am a Zettler
@Olivier_H More or less. My Zettel template is here.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
I have a somewhat philosophical answer to the question "Why do you use one?" But first, contemplate the first two paragraphs of a four-paragraph manifesto by Riccardo Ridi, "Semantic web: no to the web of data, yes to the web of documents, metadata and human beings" (2021):
As Riccardo Ridi said, the "fundamental element of the organization and management of information" in our collective knowledge base (the set of all public documents) is the document (or publication). The reference manager is like an interface between my personal knowledge base (my set of personal notes) and the collective knowledge base. The reference manager contains my set of references, which is the subset of the collective knowledge base that I have found to be relevant to my personal knowledge base. My set of references constitute a system that is managed systematically in the reference manager, just as my set of notes constitute a system that is managed systematically in my note system. (On the importance of systematization of knowledge, see my recent comment on what Nicholas Rescher called "the Hegelian inversion".)
I use Zotero.
[@Loy:2019a 172] are inline citations; I place these in the note's body.
Below is an example full citation. Rendered by pandoc at publication. I usually place this in a "References and Resourses" section at the bottom of the atomic notes.
Here it is all pictured together.
Here is part of the book note, which is in the form of a Structure Note that "Sawing of the Limb" is part of.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@Will said:
Since the original question seems to be from a beginner, it may be worth explaining more what "Rendered by pandoc at publication" means. When I use my note system to write for publication, I will take material from my note system and put it in a separate document for publication. When I run Pandoc (with a citation processor such as the built-in CiteProc, or an auxiliary LaTeX package such as BibLaTeX, combined with a citation style file), the citation keys are converted to properly styled inline citations, and a properly styled reference list is generated at the end of the document or at the end of each chapter. This ability to delegate the tedious busywork of formatting citations and reference lists to an automatic program is another primary reason for using a reference manager.
@Andy, you are right. This is a question from a beginner, and my comment, "Rendered by pandoc at publication." is overreaching. I tried to stay within the context of the question. I apologize for the confusion I caused. @Olivier_H, please ignore my reference to pandoc; it is a tool used in the publishing world and not a necessary part of a ZK.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I would also point out that if you use citation keys in your notes, you don't need to create an index to the ideas in a book manually like @Will did in his screenshot above, which looks like a lot of busywork to me, and which I would never have enough time to do for all the material that I read. Of course, you can create such manual indices if you enjoy it or have other reasons to do so. But it's not necessary if you use citation keys in your notes, because you can automatically generate an "idea index" for a book just by searching for the book's citation key, and, if desired, constraining the search results by certain tags.
@Olivier_H, My workflow with Zotero and Pandoc is this. I export a library of references from Zotero in Better CSL JSON format, which Zettlr and Pandoc consume. I use Pandoc format citation keys within my markdown files. The syntax of the Pandoc citations is given at Pandoc Citation Syntax. I'm currently moving my workflow from Zettlr to VS Code, but all the configuration files are in sync, and I can move between systems when it becomes convenient to use one editor rather than another.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
@Will, @Andy don't worry I know about Pandoc. I'm used to create technical doc/slides with this last.
I tried Zotero and I admit that it is very very useful software (even if I must rework some entry in my collection).
@Andy, your point is very interesting about citation key. Actually, I'm familiar with collecting notes from my reading (mainly technical blog and not the ZK way).
That's why I asked for your workflow because at the start I was just taking a piece of note and put the source under a section "References".
I'm not using citation key at all.
Actually, my thought is the following :
May be it is bad because it make me do double work.
It could sound weird by I am also annoyed by the "software dependency" produced by using Zettlr + Zotero. An old school plain text in git makes me more confident
@Olivier_H said:
Perhaps I misunderstand you, but "citation key from a CSL file" is not correct; there is no direct connection between a citation key and a CSL file. The CSL file only has style description, not bibliographic data.
If you use Better BibTeX for Zotero with citation keys, there is NO software lock-in problem. This is another reason to use citation keys: you are not locked in to one reference manager. At any time you can export your references from Zotero to any other reference manager that supports citation keys. And Better BibTeX for Zotero can maintain a parallel plain-text file that is synchronized with Zotero, so you always have access to a plain-text version of your bibliographic database.
EDIT: If what annoys you is the more general idea of being dependent on any reference manager, then you probably don't need a reference manager. People who need a reference manager know that it is a solution, not a problem.
@Andy said:
Sorry, I was talking about the json file that contains references which can be used with pandoc.
My bad, I didn't realize that I can export the entire zotero database as plain text. So, I put a
file for now in my git repository. I also noticed that I can export a single collection from my "library" (eg all my references from web tech article).Yes, it is. It doesn't pretend. Any reference manager is going to better than not using one.
If you do any kind of work where you want to cite your sources and manage your knowledge, you need one.
At the front: Zotero can suck in web resources as well as those using various forms of universal identifiers. You can store notes, pdfs, annotations, link references to each other, tag them, organize them in different manners, etc. Since Zotero stores only one logical reference, but allows you to use that reference in different collections, it is easy to maintain project-based repositories.
At the publishing end: Zotero can write (and keep updated) an external file of your references in various formats. bib, for example, for latex workflows. It also manages and exports style sheets for references in CSL files. You can export both and run them through pandoc for output.
I agree with everything @dandennison84 says. When utilizing a reference manager, it's best to incorporate your references as you go. Procrastination will lead to an unmanageable backlog. Not to mention, we all understand the issues that arise from using uncredited sources with overlooked origins.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
I beg to differ. I use Zotero with the BetterBibTeX plugin, which helps to generate citation keys. The exported Better CSL JSON format file does indeed contain citation keys as well as bibliographic data--behold:
Here is one of the entries.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
@ZettelDistraction said:
Your file is (1) a JSON file containing citation data, which has file extension
. Olivier spoke of (2) a CSL file, which has file extension.csl
and which contains the style definition written in Citation Style Language (CSL), an XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations and bibliographies. The confusion here is due to the fact that the JSON file containing citation data is written in the CSL-JSON citation schema, which also contains the letters "CSL" since it was developed by the CSL project, but it's a JSON file, not a CSL file.@Andy, I stand corrected; thank you!
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
@Andy said:
Yes, I was talking about json file which is displayed "Better CSL JSON" in the "Export assistant".
@ZettelDistraction , what is your pattern for generating the citation key please ?
I let the Zotero plugin Better BibTeX generate the citation key. Thanks to my inability to find citation styles the least bit interesting (I swear there was neither confusion nor misplaced certainty--I guessed the function of the CSL JSON file without checking), I am making amends for my previous error by citing chapter and verse on citation key generation in Better BibTeX:†
† I learned this game-theoretic strategy from my father: if you aren't sure of something and are too lazy to look it up, guess the answer or ask as if you don't know. If make a guess, you are right, and no one corrects you, fine, though you won't know why you are right. If you are wrong and someone corrects you, you have learned something without making an effort. None of this was communicated explicitly--I picked it up. Sometimes it backfires and leads to tremendous reputational penalties. Against that, the embarrassment has the effect of solidifying long-term memory.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
@ZettelDistraction said:
I'm the opposite: I often have to switch CSL files but rarely use CSL-JSON, since I keep my bibliographic data in BibTeX format. So I didn't even think of CSL-JSON when Olivier said "a CSL file"; if I had thought of it, I would have passed over it in silence or responded with my last comment instead, which would have forestalled the response from @ZettelDistraction. But it's all good since we got to peek at some of @ZettelDistraction's data in the course of the discussion.
@Andy, your response to me was helpful; thank you. Now I'm more interested in CSL files, etc.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
The point of CSL files, for me at least, is I can use what I would consider a more portable, easy-to-use format for reference info. Pandoc is the key here. CSL provides the styling. This is important if you want to create your own styles. I’ve done that for example with an Evidence Explained genealogy reference style based on CMOS. I can then use for any output format.
The equivalent for latex is to use an ancient postfix language to generate your own .bst files for latex. The experience is rather like using sandpaper for toilet paper