[Zettel Feedback]: Discontinuous development processes
WE120220120918 Discontinuous development processes
#development #growth #continuity #feedback
Discontinuous development processes can also be explained by continuous processes. Or rather based on them. Namely, if critical masses are reached by continuous growth, which introduce a new level of complexity. The critical mass is then a value, from which positive feedback effects occur. A slowdown comes about by the fact that the limits of a negative feedback or a saturation are slowly reached.
This is one of my older notes (from Feb. 2012)
It is understandable but pretty unrefined.
I am a Zettler
Howdy, Stranger!
Should we discuss the content of the zettel or its style? Should we take this opportunity to refine this note a little making it a little more presentable the next time we run into it?
Is this the whole note? The first thing I noticed is that that is missing any link. It seems like an orphan. The second thing I noticed was it lacked any references. The nakedness of the note queued one of the continuous/incremental processes I engage with when zettelkasting. As part of a review process, I refactor deep links. Also, I started on Oct. 8 with 620 notes that, like the looks of yours, are not integrated into any knowledge graph. With a "continuous process", that number has been reduced to 371.
The tentacles of this note's idea reach deep into our behavior. This is an idea I'm currently confronting in my practice and thinking about incremental vs. sudden improvement. I have friends who are all over the sudden school and laugh at my notions of slow incremental gains. They may be right. I am still in a snail's paced learning process, waiting for the prophesized positive feedback to kick in.
Something is a bit confusing in the translation. I agree that a "critical mass" can create "positive feedback effects." Yet, I don't see any evidence that suggests that positive feedback effects cause a "slowdown comes about by the fact that the limits of negative feedback or a saturation are slowly reached." Nor any evidence that they "introduce a new level of complexity."
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.