Figuring out ontological tags [German Zettel Alert!]
I am trying to figure out how to identify ontological tags. @sfast suggested to post my Zettel for open discussion, so here we are.
# Geistige Arbeit ist meist nur gerichtet, nicht gezielt Tätigkeiten in komplexen Kontexten sind nicht vollständig planbar, da man nicht mit Sicherheit vorhersagen kann, was passieren wird. Entsprechend ist es nur bedingt sinnvoll, Ziele zu setzen. Es gibt Tendenzen, die man nutzen kann; Richtungen, die man einschlagen kann. In der geistigen Arbeit sind es oftmals die unvorhergesehenen Abzweige, die Erkenntnis schaffen und so zum eigentlichen Ziel werden. [@ahrensZettelkastenPrinzipErfolgreichWissenschaftlich2017] Plane und setz dir ruhig Ziele, aber passe diese an die Entwicklung der Gegebenheiten an. [@sertillangesLebenGeistesSein1951, 119] Vergleiche mit der "millitärischen Mission" in [@dozReflectionsLeadershipComplexity2017, 9]
When I try to identify key terms sentence by sentence, I come up with the following list:
- geistige-arbeit
- planung
- komplexität
- zielsetzung
- erkenntnis
- richtung
Regardless of the general usefulness (or uselessness) of tags, is this a sensible approach or am I missing something?
I am happy for any other feedback on this Zettel as well, of course.
Howdy, Stranger!
I am not sure how to tackle mixed languages. So, here comes my Denglish (Germlish for the English speaking):
Title recommendation: "Komplexe geistige Arbeit ist nicht zielgeleitet planbar" (Complex mental work is not planable by goal setting)
The content as I see it revolves around goal setting and complex mental work.
The content of the note doesn't have any structure but concerns itself with a number of individual thoughts:
Content recommendation: Divide the thoughts into individual atomic notes. Then create a molecule note on wich you connect each thought.
This kind of link "Vergleiche mit der 'millitärischen Mission'" is a bad habit because it does not establish how those toughts are connected but just establish a note connection. I pretty confident that you were conscious of the nature of the thought connection at the time of creating this link.
Link Recommendation: "Militärische Missionen finden ebenfalls in komplexen Kontexten statt, die sich der zielgeleiteten Planung entziehen.[[202204061219]]"
I will comment on each tag. I will assume that title is the primary indicator of the content of the note. But as seen above I see more than one thought and the need for separation.
So: Candidates for object tags: "Zielsetzung (goal setting)" and "geistige Arbeit" (mental work)
It is fine to have such underdeveloped notes in the ZK since practically we cannot develop all the notes fully all the time. Live happens, interests shift, some notes are not that important etc.
But it shows how dependent good practices are on the sufficient developed thought. My suspicion is that you have difficulties with the tags in part because the content is not fully developed. So you can't make use of precise tagging. The alternative (imprecise) tagging however will become usefless the more you use it. So, this is not a feasable long-term strategy.
It also shows that big part of the difficulties that are asigned to infamiliarity with the ZKM stem from the actual development of the thought at hand.
I think the note as great potential and the seeds just need some watering. Please consider that I am a blunt person who writes even more bluntly than he speaks. All my critique comes with love.
I am a Zettler
Thanks a lot for the feedback @Sascha . No need to worry about bluntness, it is very matter-of-factly, I appreciate that.