Zettelkasten Forum

Dedicated to problem solving around knowledge and notes

Hello, my name is Cansu an I'm a user experience designer who got so obsessed with notetaking and knowledge management that decided to develop an iPad app in order to solve my problems around it. I enjoy reading on the subject and coming up with possible design solutions. Understanding pain points and getting insights for individual processes helps me design and develop a better end product.
I'd love to chat about different methods around notes and knowledge. I'm new here and just started reading the blog too. Looking forward to exploring the community.
Cheers and see you around!


  • Welcome aboard @tastan!

    The question may sound a bit naive, but what's your unique angle to knowledge management as a UX designer, do you think? I'm genuinely curious!

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • edited March 2022

    @tastan Welcome to the party. People join and leave, but knowledge stays to enrich those who dance to its rythm. I hope that you find the rythm or it finds you. Have fun!

  • edited March 2022

    @tastan Same question as @ctietze . And welcome to the forum!

  • @ctietze said:
    Welcome aboard @tastan!

    The question may sound a bit naive, but what's your unique angle to knowledge management as a UX designer, do you think? I'm genuinely curious!

    Hi @ctietze thank you for the welcome and thanks for the question! Personally, I became familiar with knowledge management methods in terms of academic research. UX is usually considered a visual branch in design and this notion is mostly due to the fact that it goes hand in hand with UI design. It's a lesser-known fact that it also goes hand in hand with information architecture and user behavior research as well. So what I'm doing is researching the core of the experience. I'm looking to find insights and connections from the methodology of zettelkasten, that can be applied to a new kind of tool/app. Most of the multi-touch tech we use today was not available to such a wide audience just 10 years ago. Most of the tools we use today are based on predecessors of mouse and keyboard-centered design principles. So what I'm doing is, taking a step back and looking into the analog versions first. Hope this explains it!

  • @tastan Exactly: I was wondering how your knowledge about information architecture helps -- or maybe it gets in the way because it's harder to "let go" instead of design structures up front or top down?

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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