Share your ZK plans for 27 Mar - 2 Apr? What were your successes from last week?
We attack our practice of zettelkasting with two prongs.
1. How do we feed this benevolent monster?
2. How do we surface the buried treasure that lays hidden in the sediment of our ZK?
To quote the 'moored in excellence' @pseudoevagrius "I want my zettelkasten to be poetic, not mimetic."
2022 Week 13
Last Week
- More reading and onboarding "Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson." This is filled with rich material and I'm taking my time.
- I'm most excited about the development of a proximity search tool! Having this as a Keyboard Maestro macro is making it useful. Easier and more beautiful searches for interconnecting ideas in my ZK.
This Week
- Restarted going to the public gym.
- Reorg backpacking gear in prep for this year. First trip in 2 weeks.
- Continued onboarding to my ZK "Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson."
- Using The Archive to write a review of:
- Bricker-Caplan, Nora. Long May They Reign - The Atavist Magazine. 2020.
These are the titles of the last few notes I've created in my ZK. Show me yours! We be interested in seeing what you are up to even if you have one or two newish zettel to share!
1. 10 key points about MLA format [20220326] 2. Postitive Tribalism [20220324] 3. Argumentative Theory of Reasoning [20220324] - Argue to expose dangerous biases. 4. Deep Thinking [20220323] - Captured wild spontaneous ideas from March 23, 2022 5. Long May They Reign [20220323] - By Nora Caplan Bricker JAMM328 Review of article. 6. JAMM328 Emily Benson - High Country News [20220323] - Key Takeaways from Guest Lecture 7. The Feeling of Being Alive [20220323] - Where the feeling of self originates. 8. Cognitive Reappraisal [20220323] - Mindfulness in action. Reframing mental and physical sensing. 9. Story Pulse Escalation [20220322] 10. Richard Feynman on Idea Making [20220322] - "The loop through pen and paper is part of the physical machinery responsible for the shape of the flow of thoughts and ideas." 11. «Evening Prompts» [20220321]
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
Not much zettelizing since we were moving, but I managed to create 5 new ones and edited a couple more:
Author at •
@ctietze, moving is a big draw on our focus. It sounds like you are grabbing the moments you can.
Allmachtsfantasie translates as 'Omnipodence Fantacy.' It sounds pretty immature and a less than desirable personality trait. There is a spectrum between micro-management (Allmachtsfantasie) and what might seem to an outsider as micro-management when an expert tutors a novice. In the second case, the expert's attitude is a genuine interest in the transfer of knowledge. In the first case, the pseudo-expert is inraged with pure narcissism.
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202203231200 Discover writing has already been done with a Zettelkasten (I liked the phrase).
Why do you like the phrase? Are you talking about your writing or the discovery of the writing of others done with a ZK?Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@ctietze Congrats for Zettelkasting even though you were moving! Maintaning habits when moving can be a bit though sometimes.
@Will Thank you for encouraging the Trivia to be as many Zettels as we want.
Last Week
Nothing to report here.
This Week
No Zettelkasting since I'm mostly reading texts right now.
@Will "discover [that] writing has been done" (left out a "filler" word) summarized very nicely an idea of writing with the Zettelkasten and came from a video shared here in the last week:
@Annabella It's less a habit and more of a necessity to do the thing; I cannot not forget stuff unless I write and store the information. On some superficial level, using my ZK is not much different from answering the phone or doing email.
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@ctietze Agreed, though my definition of habit is probably different from yours because it covers that too.