TaskPaper - Tips, Tricks, Workflows etc.
Just want to have a place in which to collect all the little nuggets regarding TaskPaper.
I will maintain a TOC in the first post.
Table of Contents
Complete Setups
- Sascha Fast (German)
- Use Taskpaper Syntax in BBedit
Post edited by Sascha on
I am a Zettler
Howdy, Stranger!
I set the font of the “note”-type to a monospace font. Then I can make aligned tables happen:
I am a Zettler
TaskPaper 3 is currently available at a heavy discount at https://bundlehunt.com
Possibly also interesting for BBEdit users: I‘ve written a little language module for BBEdit which provides color highlighting for projects, tags and notes, and allows for folding of projects with multiple tasks. An outline of all project headings is also available via BBEdit's function popup menu.
It‘s not been updated for a long time but I think it still works.
I am switching to Things 3. I succumbed to the temptation of a ready to use solution instead of keeping it real by sticking to the plaintext-compatible nerdtastic even in my task management.
Just so you know that I will use this evil power for good. What could ever happen if you use evil means to produce good results?
I am a Zettler
Haha! As we all know, the tool doesn't have any inherent evil or good built in - it is how the user wields the tool and with what purpose, that yields the result. I believe that you will use the tool for good, whatever you do
Tell that poor lad Isildur or Boromir.
I am a Zettler
Right - I wasn't counting on the magic!