Zettelkasten Forum

Share ZKM your ZK plans for 13 Mar - 19 Mar? What were your successes from last week?

2022 Week 11

Last Week

This Week

  • More reading and onboarding "Paul, Annie Murphy. The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021."
    The workflow is chunked and staggered. I read for a couple of hours, highlighting and making notes as I go. Then after dinner, I download the highlights and import them into an enormous structure note based on the book. Currently, this note is 4k words long. Then, before bed, I refactor the highlights pulling out definitions, theories, look for surprising ideas, and generally reword the ideas in my language. The plan is once I've finished reading the book, all the notes paraphrased, and I've clarified the ideas in my language, then I'll spend a few days exploding the book note into atomic particles. I envision this book adding about 8k words and 30-50 zettel to my ZK when done.

  • I want to explore solutions to problems I'm having with pandoc citations

    • nocite is not working as explained in the documentation. My problem is probably self-induced.
    • how do I get numbered of references with spaces between references

Trivia. These are the last dozen notes I've created. Show me yours!

- Hunting for signal words [20220310]
        - Filtering reading searching for meaningful ideas.
- Say yes and never do it [20220309]
        - Counter-Intuitive Idea
- De-duplicating Lists with Python Sets [20220307]
- NEAT [20220306]
        - Non-exercise activity thermogenesis
- Deep Thinking [20220306]
        - Captured wild spontaneous ideas
- Improve Imaginative Thinking [20220306]   
- Global and Local variables [20220306]     
- Asymmetry of Trust [20220306]
        - The power of a positive asymmetry.
- Multiple if-else conditions [20220303]
- Conditionals in list comprehensions [20220303]
- B-The Extended Mind [20220303]
        - The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Paul
- Load file into a list [20220303]

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • My goals for this week are pretty simple:

    1. Get my Bullet Journal fully implemented within NotePlan.
    2. Have fun with my grandchildren (visiting them in WA and UT).
  • edited March 2022

    Long time no see)

    I'm in another vicious circle of "too much stuff happening to process notes properly".

    On the one hand, I've partly gathered my shit together and processed a bunch of old inbox notes on:

    • OUN-UPA and old nazist movements in Ukraine;
    • social networks as dopamine-driven tools for short-term gratification;
    • techniques of overcoming fear and associated notes on general psychology;
    • some topics on mathematical statistics.

    On the other hand, my inbox only got fatter due to:

    • notes on Russian-Ukrainian war and associated structural economic changes;
    • criticism of "1984" (I've almost finished reading it and found it surprisingly weak), notes on books about managerialism and some unfinished thoughts about literature tropes I've stumbled upon;
    • a series of almost-but-not-yet finished notes on gold standard vs fiat currency (pure bookkeeping for further writing, I'm refactoring my previous thoughts);
    • notes about American imperialism and their perception of the USSR / Cold War (these notes had proliferated so much, I begin to lose track of them).

    I began to really appreciate an ability to dump notes into archive (junk) part of my ZK in a slight hope I might return to them in some undetermined future. I'm a hoarder with FOMO, so I can see a purely therapeutic effect of doing it.

    And, again, with time passing I'm becoming more and more impressed with Luhmann being able to find time to work on his notes while having 5 kids. I have only one toddler and one wife and they tend to consume most of my free time.

  • @emps said:
    And, again, with time passing I'm becoming more and more impressed with Luhmann being able to find time to work on his notes while having 5 kids.

    He neglected them.

    I have only one toddler and one wife and they tend to consume most of my free time.

    That's why I never had kids (as far as I know).

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

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