Zettelkasten Forum

What were your success last week and your plans for this week? [Week 7]

Please share what small or large ZK successes you had in the past week. Please share your plans are for this coming week. Use this as a public responsibility thread. Use it to hold yourself accountable. Use this as a way to start a conversation.

Last Week

  • File this under Quantitative Self Discovery
    • 2511-212=2299 or 91.5% zettel modified since 5/3/2020 - so much for anything being permanent. How often do you change your mind?
    • Last week's zettelkasting.
      0/23 zettel - meta zettelkasting - Ya!
      4/23 zettel - meta writing
      2/23 zettel - advancing python understanding
      11/23 zettel - captured new and novel ideas
      2/23 zettel - book structure notes
      4/23 zettel - class notes

This Week

  • Style: Toward Clarity And Grace 202111181949 - I started processing last Nov., and it is taking me a long time.
  • Where The Heart Beats 202107261132- Started processing last July—and is taking me even longer because of its deep richness.
  • Profile of a scientist. Dr. Steffen Werner, Applied cognitive psychology University of Idaho

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • edited February 2022

    I'm working throught Christopher Booker's "The Seven Basic Plots" (as recommended by @Sascha a while ago, in the system series on ZK and fiction). Very interesting, but it will take a while, as its study competes with reading some fiction books that I also have on the go.

  • I'm happily overhauling some file-related things in The Archive. The next milestone is user scripting, and managing user scripts also means managing the script files, so I need to be careful there and make the computer not explode when a file goes missing in action and stuff like that.

    As a bonus, this paves the way for resource importing via drag and drop, which is more closely related to the recent milestones of improving the editor and displaying images. The next updates will iterate on that, and once this all feel good, the management of user script files will be robust, too.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • edited February 2022

    Last Week

    10 Zettels created:

    • 202202121310 Thinking - Definition
    • 202202121000 Thinking isn't the same as communication
    • 202202120846 Communication - Definition
    • 202202101316 Objetive - Definition
    • 202202101312 Subjective - Definition
    • 202202101153 Theme - Definition
    • 202202081039 Principle - Definition
    • 202202081028 Fallacy - Explicit form
    • 202202071635 The Fallacy of Wrong Interpretation
    • 202202071602 Fallacy - Definition

    This Week

    • Discover the connection between knowledge and the following: Beauty, simplicity, truth, usefulness, and relevancy. I'm left to discover that of beauty and simplicity. For beauty, I'll read some philosophy texts. For simplicity, I'm reading the chapter from How To Take Smart Notes titled "Simplicity is paramount".
    • Getting into Skullgirls. Turns out that I'm not into fiction but I am into fighting games. I'll take the opportunity to write a guide on getting into fighting games. It will be my first published text. I look forward to that. :smile:
    • Getting into Yu-Gi-Oh! I decided not to about two weeks ago, but I've made up my mind. It's effective to get me interested in sleeping. I'll read the rulebook and play with some old cards I found lying around.
    • Killing my backlog. I'm nowhere near finishing, but it's going well.

    @GeoEng51, I see you're interested in fiction. Out of curiosity, will you write stuff?

    @Will, I'm interested in this: "0/23 zettel - meta zettelkasting - Ya!". Mind sharing?

  • edited February 2022

    @Annabella The artists of Skullgirls did an amazing job. Character interactions are superb, and the controls are tight. Couldn't even play that game with an animator friend because we were talking about the animations for so long :)

    Humble list of new notes from last week:

    • 202202121111 (Sacha Chua's activity menu to spend time with kids at home -- original note in German)
    • 202202112132 Auto-link tickets and PRs in Emacs buffers
    • 202202112102 Stub defun in Elisp
    • 202202100909 Mortal Glory indie game income after 2 years
    • 202202091507 Anti-Corruption Layer
    • 202202091452 Humble Object design pattern
    • 202202091447 Passive View design pattern
    • 202202091148 Validate RxSwift form by combining into bool
    • 202202090804 Free-standing image-only buttons in macOS
    • 202202081729 Replace radio buttons with dropdown for 5 or more items
    • 202202071354 Namespacing of actions per workspace in The Archive
    • 202202071342 Namespacing in ReSwift states

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • @ctietze Indeed! And don't even get me started on the lore. I impatiently look forward to the Marie DLC. We will finally get the true ending! :mrgreen:

  • I'm trying to get back into the groove of adding notes to my ZK. I only added 4 notes last week, but I guess it's better than 0.

    I have some notes I took while reading a paper last week that I need to process this week. I think that my goal for this week is just to add something into my ZK every day.

  • @Annabella said:

    @Will, I'm interested in this: "0/23 zettel - meta zettelkasting - Ya!". Mind sharing?

    Some weeks seem like all inside baseball.
    It's a relief to stretch my mental muscles in other domains.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @prometheanindsight Good luck with that!

    @Will Oh, so it's about exploring other topics to improve your learning skill and move your attention away from the details. That's good food for thought. Thank you.

  • @Annabella said:
    @GeoEng51, I see you're interested in fiction. Out of curiosity, will you write stuff?

    That's my plan. Right now I'm learning and preparing :wink:

  • @GeoEng51 Have fun with that. I would like to say that I look forward to reading what you write. However, fiction bores me out unless it's a video game. So, I won't. Still, please share your writing once you write something. I will celebrate your victory with you.

  • edited February 2022

    Last week
    As noted in prior posts, my goal was to take a stroll down @Sascha Zettelkasten Method for Fiction.

    • I was able to analyze five chapters of Quicksilver by Dean Koontz using The Story Grid spreadsheet format.
    • I noted several scenes that are commonplace items, i.e., restaurants, locations such as an old rundown gas station, etc. The author used these items to build his story. These commonplace scenes are an area in which I believe the Zettelkasten format will greatly assist. Based on “unique” restaurants, and their history, to which I had at least a general understanding, I wrote several notes as the beginning database for “fictional” building blocks of scenes with restaurants.
    • I created a tag for my fictional writings, creating a new color code (yellow) to highlight the note in my Zettelkasten.
    • While driving to a hike this past weekend, I passed a “windfarm” where not a single blade was turning. I stopped and created a note about the scene.
    • I captured a note about the remnants of a dream, linking the thought to Robert Louis Stevenson’s “brownies.”

    This week

    • Continue processing Quicksilver
    • Continue to try and see the mundane in a new light and capture any uniqueness into notes for my fictional entries in Zettelkasten.
    • Oh, and continue to try and make a living at my “real” job.
    Post edited by Sascha on
  • edited February 2022

    Last week: From Fleeting Notes to Project Notes

    Abysmal failures: I'm behind...A

    This week:

    i. I find timestamp ID's increasingly opaque. I'm going to switch to Folgezettel IDs, or at least include them in the title. Note that neither of the following assertions (or their conjunction)

    1. the position of a Zettel does not matter
    2. computers can generate Zettel IDs automatically

    imply any of the following

    A. the Zettel ID encodes the unique path to the root through the spanning tree (in each component of the forest of Zettels)
    B. the Zettel ID encodes identifiable sequences of related notes
    C. the Zettel ID encodes identifiable sequences of related notes at the time of their addition

    ii. A math project (a homology theory) and related research.

    iii. Intermittent reading of "Outside Ethics" by Raymond Geuss. This passage stuck with me:

    While, however, it is true that the rejection of a theocentric view of the world will most likely bring with it a discrediting of a certain number of human attitudes that were closely associated with it—automatic deference to authority, attraction to certain kinds of solemnity, unctuouQ sness, and obscurantism—irony is not the only alternative to piety. Another alternative is to adopt an extremely businesslike attitude, to identify oneself fully with various projects in the world, and so forth.

    -- Geuss, Raymond. Outside Ethics (p. 25). Princeton University Press.

    Post edited by ZettelDistraction on

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @Annabella said:
    @GeoEng51 Have fun with that. I would like to say that I look forward to reading what you write. However, fiction bores me out unless it's a video game. So, I won't. Still, please share your writing once you write something. I will celebrate your victory with you.

    Haha! I have a good example to follow. One of my daughters is a top selling author on the Kindle. She legitimately started out in creative writing at school, ghost wrote a number of books, and then started writing under a pen name. Her books are very popular. My tastes lie towards a combination of sci-fi and fantasy, so that is probably the genre in which I will write. She can give me some serious criticism but I will definitely share here as well. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • @GeoEng51 Besides your daughter, you're in good hands, considering you have this forum and the blog. I look forward to your progress.

    On an unrelated note, it's surprising how much interest Sascha has inspired in fiction writing around here. Way to go!

  • edited February 2022

    This week

    Started my digital garden to prepare for the time when the 2nd Edition of ZKM is finished.

    Hoping (while testing it) that Typora will qualify as my writing app of choice.

    Unfolding how value creation in the Zettelkasten Method works.

    Next week

    The next weeks are still all under the boot of the Zettelkasten Method.

    Post edited by Sascha on

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha said:

    This week

    Hoping (while testing it) that Typora will qualify as my writing app of choice.

    I tried Typora and found it too fiddly for my tastes. Your tastes will vary.

    I have settled on our friend's The Archive as my writing app of choice. I use a toolchain of The Archive, Marked2, Zotero, and pandoc. I write in The Archive, putting ideas and sections in a structure note formatted for export/viewing in Marked2. Then a simple "Open in External Editor" gathers all the zettel in the order of the structure note for a rich text display. I can quickly move ideas and sections by editing the structure note. The text is formatted nicely and exportable in PDF, RTF, HTML, and several other formats.

    This process keeps me in the warm, comfortable embrace of The Archive's simple editor.

    Maybe we could convince our friend to spin off the editor to a separate app? It would be handy to do casual non-zettelkasting writing.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:

    @Sascha said:

    This week

    Hoping (while testing it) that Typora will qualify as my writing app of choice.

    I tried Typora and found it too fiddly for my tastes. Your tastes will vary.

    After a couple of days, I start to like it. :)

    I have settled on our friend's The Archive as my writing app of choice. I use a toolchain of The Archive, Marked2, Zotero, and pandoc. I write in The Archive, putting ideas and sections in a structure note formatted for export/viewing in Marked2. Then a simple "Open in External Editor" gathers all the zettel in the order of the structure note for a rich text display. I can quickly move ideas and sections by editing the structure note. The text is formatted nicely and exportable in PDF, RTF, HTML, and several other formats.

    I think you are foreshadowing what is planned for The Archive 3.

    This process keeps me in the warm, comfortable embrace of The Archive's simple editor.

    I find myself typing away in The Archive, too. :) However, I need to keep my writing to communicate separate from my writing to think.

    Maybe we could convince our friend to spin off the editor to a separate app? It would be handy to do casual non-zettelkasting writing.

    @ctietze :D

    I am a Zettler

  • Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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