Way to create index notes that are visually pleasing
So we all know why we should use monospace fonts in The Archive. I myself am using IBM Plex Mono, which is very nice indeed.
I want to create index/TOC files using this syntax:
Name of Note.........................[[File Link]]
I would like a way to automatically put enough periods in there to get the file link's last bracket up against my wrap limit. Any ideas?
This is Me
Howdy, Stranger!
I do it via typinator. I have a snippet that inserts 20 dots. Saves a lot of dotting.
@ctietze What did I say?
I am a Zettler
is still on my to do list.Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I can't use my computer at all until the
is ready. Plz hurry k thx bye!-apoc527
This is Me