Zettelkasten Forum

Hi everyone

Happy to be here.

I am playing with the Zettelkasten principles since 1-2 years now. I am an entrepreneur interested in productivity, pkm and marketing.

I am a native french speaker and will try my best to write in good english.

I will be happy to share my insights with you.

Have a nice day,


  • Welcome @damianrocks. It seems you have a fair bit of experience with zettelkasting.

    I am a native English speaker, and it is hard for me to write in good English." :smiley:

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:
    I am a native English speaker, and it is hard for me to write in good English." :smiley:

    xD Haha

  • @damianrocks said:
    Happy to be here.

    I am playing with the Zettelkasten principles since 1-2 years now. I am an entrepreneur interested in productivity, pkm and marketing.

    Welcome to the ZK forum! New insights and discussion are always welcome :smile:

  • @damianrocks said:
    Happy to be here.

    I am playing with the Zettelkasten principles since 1-2 years now. I am an entrepreneur interested in productivity, pkm and marketing.

    I am a native french speaker and will try my best to write in good english.

    I will be happy to share my insights with you.

    Have a nice day,

    Hi Damian,

    I am a native German speaker fail at writing good English even though I am your host. :) Welcome to da club.

    I am a Zettler

  • I speak multiple languages but suck the most at my native tongue, that being, Anglais.

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