What are you working on this week (2021-01-11 - 2021-01-17)?
Feeling good that my Zettelkasten got some snacky treats yesterday! Looking forward to feeding it some more this week:
- Readings on design thinking and the criteria for conducting solid qualitative research (PhD)
- Researching well-done qualitative research studies in my field (PhD)
- Researching case studies of innovation culture change done well (work)
- Designing workshop session on harvesting lessons learned from past projects to feed into upcoming project (work)
- Facilitating virtual collaboration sessions with my teams (work)
- Play with ways to increase engagement of 2000+ people in a week's worth of upcoming virtual events (work)
- Maybe submit a paper for an Academy of Management conference presentation?? If they extend the deadline??
- Read the first few chapters of Wild Mercy (Starr, 2019) as part of a discussion group I've joined.
- Migrate to a new laptop without losing my mind. Or any files.
- MAYBE try to figure out how to do the list of tags in Archive so I can try to consolidate similar ones into consistent tag terms? @Will, did you have a Mac macro for that?
How about you?
Howdy, Stranger!
I've added some top-end organizational elements to my ZK (an index and two "hubs", as @Will describes them). That has somehow settled my mind and helped me to be more focussed on the (current) main purposes for writing, which has in turn increased my writing productivity. So, now I'm writing a lot of zettels around personal memories and what I learned from them, at different times in my life.
This week marks the "soft" opening of my semester:
!In all of the above, my ZK plays some sort of role, from cheerleader to communication partner to memory reservoir...
I too am feeding my ZK high-calorie treats this week as I prepare for class. Reading and feeding my ZK from the literature of the Pacific Northwest. "Sometimes a Great Notion" and "Bone Deep in Landscape". 15 more books on the reading list for the term including a retrospective of Barry Lopez's work.
It feels great not to be so focused on the mechanics of my ZK and be in full-on feeding mode.
Discussion and link to macro here.
I've since changed the refresh trigger to run every 10 mins only when The Archive is running.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Thank you, @Will! I'm looking forward to consolidating my tag cloud formations! :^)
And I agree - it DOES feel good to be back in full-on feeding mode!
Love the thought of ZK as cheerleader! Thank you for that!