ZK Seminars, perhaps coming up
General reasoning
I want to probe if there is any need for such a method of teaching. At the moment, there are the following channels open or to be opened:
- Book (being edited right now, in the final stages before beta phase)
- Course (already scripted and waiting for some additions)
- 1on1 coaching (already open)
I am very satisfied with the 1on1 coaching. In spite of being open for a rather short time some clients are beginning to transition from the first stage (just getting the method in its basic actions and architecture) to the second stage (developing an understanding of the levels of action (software, Zettelkastenmethod, Knowledge Work).
However, there is a case for a simple seminar similar to group training. Not everybody can or wants to afford 1on1-Coaching but still benefits from a more direct learning environment than just a course (which has some active element to it but isn't inter-active) or a book. A seminar is the natural solution as a middleground.
- We meet on a bi-weekly or monthly basis via group call (most likely: Skype).
- For each session, we will process texts of various difficulty that you prepared beforehand.
- Each session will have a duration of 60 to 90 minutes.
- Basic understanding of the basic actions (Note creation, How to place a link, Navigation) in the software of your choice.
- Basic understanding of the Zettelkasten Method (having read the introduction and understood most of it is enough)
- Willingness to invest time and energy to develop and expand knowledge and skill in dealing with knowledge work (no passive sitting through and just listening; I want do something with people and not something to people)
I am a Zettler
- Are you interested in a seminar?15 votes
- Yes86.67%
- No13.33%
Howdy, Stranger!
What would the cost be?
Depending on the number participant: For 6--10 participants 10-20$ per session.
I am a Zettler
I would be interested, but I also think it will depend upon the work to be processed.
What do you mean in particular?
I am a Zettler
It is a little hard to give a concrete example. For example, if the material is directly related to my field of work, then it is obviously relevant and interesting to me, but probably not to many other I'm of course open to something new, but I can't really express more than "interest" without knowing what will be read
Is it the intention that everyone reads and processes the same texts?
Ah, ok. I chose material that I think is useful for most of people. I don't have an outline yet. But it will be texts on thinking tools, productivity, practical ethics etc.
Yes. At least, I can't come up a proper structure for a seminar in which everybody can pick and chose their texts. (Open for suggestions, of course)
I am a Zettler
Could it also be a text on mental models or learning? As everyone is interested in expanding their skills on working with ZK as knowledge tool, I guess learning, knowledge, etc… could be an inclusive field.
I’m interested, count me in.
That could perhaps be interesting
At work we have created a "study group" where we read a little in preparation and then discuss it. People have a chance to voice their interest in whatever topics they are interested in and then show up as it fits.
I'm very interested in the idea of the seminar, but I'll want to know the topic beforehand