Zettelkasten Forum

What are source notes, literature notes, permanent notes, atomic and evergreen notes?

Hello there! I'm pretty new to this method and if someone could clear what are source notes, literature notes, permanent notes, atomic and evergreen notes, it would be really helpful.
I also wanted to share my workflow with you all and any constructive criticism is absolutely welcome!
@Will @sfast @improveism @Vinho @ctietze I've just started to use it. I've decided to have one place to have source notes and one with my Zettels. Source notes, for e.g, would contain parts of an article which resonated with me or like a book summary (some long content and quotes).
Zettels, would be like my thoughts on it and what I understand from it. My Zettels would be heavily linked with related thoughts. I'm using Notion for source notes because I like the database view and I can relate it with my goals and projects and Obsidian for my Zettels because of obvious reasons.
Here's a snapshot of one of my Zettel:

(P.S: I'm pretty new so that's the reason it looks a little incomplete :P)


  • Your Zettle looks really complex and with a lack of a basic structure. I’m also a beginner so don’t take what I say so seriously.

    I suggest you forget about so many concepts like source notes, permanent notes, evergreen notes and atomic notes. I think you have read “How to take Smart notes” from Ahrens. That book made things harder for me, also because on YT you find a lot of trash related to that book that makes thing worse.

    You should watch “The zettelkasten manifesto” by the creator of Zettlr, then you should read the introduction to a zettelkasten text that’s here on the “getting started” tab.

    Go to the YouTube channel of this website and see how they process a book. Those are very informative videos.

    I really believe your zettles should be more basic, like just the ID, tags, reference to other notes and if you want add some literature you consulted.

  • @Sushmita, welcome to the forums.

    @Jvet said:
    Your Zettle looks really complex and with a lack of a basic structure... I suggest you forget about so many concepts like source notes, permanent notes, evergreen notes and atomic notes... I really believe your zettles should be more basic, like just the ID, tags, reference to other notes and if you want add some literature you consulted.

    Great advice. Pet names for note types is a sticky point for even seasoned practitioners. Call them what makes sense to you. What the notes are called is unimportant to the development of knowledge. Concentrate on analyzing, questioning, searching while reading or listening, and note your findings. Refine and polish these notes, connecting them into the growing network that slowly emerges. Relax and enjoy the ride.

    Here is one of my notes on a similar theme as your example.

    Here are the links to the resources @Jvet recommended.
    The zettelkasten manifesto
    Introduction to a Zettelkasten by @Sascha

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Here are the links to the resources @Jvet recommended.
    The zettelkasten manifesto
    Introduction to a Zettelkasten by @Sascha

    Thanks for the links, I was on my phone and in bed while posting the message.

  • @Will said:
    Concentrate on analyzing, questioning, searching while reading or listening, and note your findings. Refine and polish these notes, connecting them into the growing network that slowly emerges. Relax and enjoy the ride.

    I'll keep this in mind and that note of yours will surely help me outline mine. Also, thank you for the links! Now, I understand, these are just names and the essence of this method lies in growing this network and learning from it.

    @Jvet said:
    I really believe your zettles should be more basic, like just the ID, tags, reference to other notes and if you want add some literature you consulted.

    I'll try to simplify it and structure it better. Thanks for the advice and also the guides! :)

  • I like to keep things as simple as possible.

    “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
    ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey

    Complexity is the enemy of productivity, in my view.

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