You see: At this moment, it is just about you. Even the argument, that I can benefit from a better relationship between you and yourself (which is a weak argument because I don't know if we have the same values and could even be harmed from that what you call a better relationship between you and yourself) needed an addition that is all about you.
The buddhist got it right:
In Buddhism, bodhicitta, "enlightenment-mind", is the mind that strives toward awakening, empathy, and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings. wikipedia
The benefit of others need to be primary and not secondary to ones own interests if you want to achieve something.
At least, this works for me and the people I know.
Sharing values: yes, you are right. Sharing a common context is key to have fruitful exchanges. If you cannot understand my values through my manifestations I should be so good to provide an effective expression of them, so that you can evaluate them.
Benefit of others, first. You can self-destruct yourself if you put the benefits of others in front of your benefits. I've seen this. The more I live the more I think that to think about the benefits of others I first need to be well, myself. How could not it be?
@Sascha said:
So, my question is: Why should I care about your relationship to yourself?
("I" is rhetorical to make my statement stronger. It could be exchanged for "anybody")
Seeing the inside track on anyone's journey of self-discovery enlightens our own. Recognizing how they develop and link new ideas, in turn, educates and strengthens our own efforts to do the same.
When we share something on social media of any kind, I believe we do so mostly as a means of self-expression. Whether or not an idea or creation is grasped by one, a few, or many, is almost irrelevant.
Seeing the inside track on anyone's journey of self-discovery enlightens our own. Recognizing how they develop and link new ideas, in turn, educates and strengthens our own efforts to do the same.
Yes, especially when it is transparent, document, insightful, respectful, and tactful. Even more when it opens to discussion and debate with prompts, questions, and reflections. Synthesis, at a certain point, could add value, as well.
When we share something on social media of any kind, I believe we do so mostly as a means of self-expression. Whether or not an idea or creation is grasped by one, a few, or many, is almost irrelevant.
We need to be more conscious and critical when sharing or we risk contributing to the information chaos with the historical consequences in front of us.
@Massimo_Curatella said: Benefit of others, first. You can self-destruct yourself if you put the benefits of others in front of your benefits. I've seen this. The more I live the more I think that to think about the benefits of others I first need to be well, myself. How could not it be?
Perhaps, this talk can illustrate my point a bit more:
In the end, the only people who self-destruct by putting the benefits of others first are the ones who are not doing it honestly, but rather seek the nice feeling you get from helping.
@GeoEng51 said:
When we share something on social media of any kind, I believe we do so mostly as a means of self-expression. Whether or not an idea or creation is grasped by one, a few, or many, is almost irrelevant.
This is the reason why I avoid social media. To me, it is uncanny to expose myself to mass-self-expression. I seek people who do what the do for the love (or passion to the point of suffering) of doing it or to just help.
Perhaps, this talk can illustrate my point a bit more
Thanks for sharing these four levels of attitude towards life. I
think this speech could help people to learn how to live a happy life.
In the first level, i.e. to me, one is more influenced by his emotional
mind and is not willing to change. The second level, i.e., by me, is
an updated version. This level of attitude lets people do actions
instead of blaming the external world. The downside of this level is
that it requires energy to maintain that consciousness. The third
level, i.e., through me, embraces the core attitude that giving up the
need for control. In other words, embracing the uncertainty, which
the source of stress in the second level. This level of attitude is
featured by experiencing a flow state. However, it is a very limited
experience that one person can experience such events.
The final level, i.e., as me, is about forgetting the separation and
give unconditional love to this world. This will let everything you
do in your life a flow state experience. Everything is connected. Just
like one of the core concepts of Zettelkästen, i.e., making
connections. Everything is connected, but why sometimes, we do not see
it? It's because we do not exercise it enough.
Thanks for sharing these four levels of attitude towards life. I
think this speech could help people to learn how to live a happy life.
To really drive my point home: I believe that it is neither possible nor admirable to strive for happiness. One should aim for meaning instead. Then one achieves that state of happiness that is needed. I could describe why it is technically impossible to achieve happiness by striving for it. But in reality, it is one of my religious dogmas.
I am a great admirer of Viktor Frankl's approach, especially as he scetched it in his book "Man in Search of Meaning".
@Massimo_Curatella Dang, this goes offtopic. I jumped the thread because you informally closed it and I thought I could provide something useful for your personal riddle. If you want I separate this whole existential line of thought to purify the thread about your writing streak.
@Massimo_Curatella Dang, this goes offtopic. I jumped the thread because you informally closed it and I thought I could provide something useful for your personal riddle. If you want I separate this whole existential line of thought to purify the thread about your writing streak.
No! Please!
I love having a place like this thread with contributions. I really appreciate it, thanks!
I think will want to keep this thread alive with conversations like this. It's extremely stimulating. I am also thinking I should post here my drafts, questions and provocations to involve you. I would give more sense to the eventual posted article.
I think I am changing my mind, in a good way, about this thread.
Thanks, again.
@Sascha@Massimo_Curatella I believe happiness is something that finds you, as you are actively pursuing whatever goals you have set for yourself in life. Notice I didn't say "achieving them", just pursuing them. But as Sascha says, it doesn't work the other way around - you can't pursue happiness itself. It's much too ephemeral to capture it in that manner.
I believe that it is neither possible nor admirable to strive for happiness. One should aim for meaning instead.
It is always interesting to see a different point of view.
Let me explain a little bit more. Since I did not even think about my
reaction to four levels of attitude towards life would have such a
connection to the meaning of meaning.
I often ask myself, what's the ultimate goal of my life? I think that
the most obvious answer is to find happiness. But, if you ask what's
happiness? I would definitely be happy to talk about the meaning of
happiness within the name-space of my life.
I find writing is a process that can give me a feeling of happiness.
When I fully engaged in writing, I will say that the time period that
I experienced was a happy time. And if I could do that at every moment
of my life, I would say that I have a happy life. It's simply
impossible. I like riding my bike in challenging conditions. Downhill
from a trail with high speed. Each and every moment, I can only focus
on body position on the bike otherwise I will end up with a broken
neck. As I get used to the trail, I got bored and I need to increase
my speed or finding more challenging trails. In addition to that, I
like the feeling of getting my body tired and I like the feeling of
getting more Serotonin into my body, which was discussed.young2007increase
Also, I find the mind gets diffused and thus I could be more creative
when I am writing things, thus I will be happier. In addition, I can
socialize with people who share similar ideas because biking and
riding with people within the nature area brings people closer, so I
can learn from other people's different points of view. It will
enhance my creativity when I am writing things, so I will be happy.
Meaning is different people to people. The point is that you can hack
with your own version.
Once I understand that everything in this universe can be somehow
connected to each other, every single moment of my life can be viewed
from this point of view. So I don't need to just write things to be
Young, S. N. (2007). How to increase serotonin in the human brain
without drugs. Journal of psychiatry \& neuroscience: JPN, 32(6), 1.
This is really the right place to post this. Would you like to help me learn?
Learning Out Loud: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
I’m doing a crazy experiment. Instead of researching and reporting, I will write down what I know about data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
@Massimo_Curatella I went through a similar exercise a few months ago, trying to tie down the relationship between a) data and ideas, b) understanding, c) knowledge, d) wisdom and e) foresight. I think you are "missing" the understanding step, although you could argue the point that the distinction I make between understanding and knowledge is a subtle one.
The way I defined it:
We are constantly gathering information (data and ideas).
Once we receive information (data, ideas), we think about it, attempting to make sense of it. We consider what the information means, first in the context in which we received it and then outside of that context. We look for patterns within the information and for connections to ideas that we already have in our brains. We try to discern the meaning behind the information, to understand it.
Knowledge is an accumulation of both a) information (data, ideas) and b) our understanding of that information. We organize new information and understanding in our mind, relating it to what we already know, thereby increasing our knowledge.
Wisdom is being able to act and to judge correctly, in a manner that benefits the most people. It comes after a person has gained a significant amount of knowledge and then applied that knowledge to a wide range of life situations, so that he or she understands how to apply their knowledge in a practical and sensible manner.
I also included the concept of "learning", although it is not in-line or sequential with the others. I thought learning was the process of getting an idea into your head, into your long term memory, where you can access and apply it whenever you need it. If you follow the processes of developing understanding and gaining knowledge, you will as part of that mental and physical effort (serious study and deliberate practice), also have fixed that idea in your mind.
I also thought about "foresight". I thought foresight is the ability to anticipate or predict what might happen, and thereby to prepare for what the future might bring. It is closely related to evaluating and mitigating risk, but it is not restricted just to that particular field. It is connected to the sequence listed above, in that whether foresight arises from a risk assessment or from an understanding of human behaviour, wisdom is required to judge the best course of action to take in response to any perceived threat.
Meaning is different people to people. The point is that you can hack
with your own version.
That is not correct. Meaning is highly similar from people to people with minor differences. From bottom to top on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs we are the very same because we are all people. However, because of the modern misconception of our freedom we think we are all different. (I know, I provided no argument)
But this question will be part of the upcoming livestreams - filtered through the Zettelkastenmethod. (with reasoning, link context and some tags to enhance the understanding of meaning.. it will be a nice ride).
You should care about my relationship with myself because if I learn myself better I can be of better service to you
I can be a better person and better professional and better thinker, better learner and better teacher.
You see: At this moment, it is just about you. Even the argument, that I can benefit from a better relationship between you and yourself (which is a weak argument because I don't know if we have the same values and could even be harmed from that what you call a better relationship between you and yourself) needed an addition that is all about you.
The buddhist got it right:
The benefit of others need to be primary and not secondary to ones own interests if you want to achieve something.
At least, this works for me and the people I know.
I am a Zettler
Sharing values: yes, you are right. Sharing a common context is key to have fruitful exchanges. If you cannot understand my values through my manifestations I should be so good to provide an effective expression of them, so that you can evaluate them.
Benefit of others, first. You can self-destruct yourself if you put the benefits of others in front of your benefits. I've seen this. The more I live the more I think that to think about the benefits of others I first need to be well, myself. How could not it be?
Seeing the inside track on anyone's journey of self-discovery enlightens our own. Recognizing how they develop and link new ideas, in turn, educates and strengthens our own efforts to do the same.
When we share something on social media of any kind, I believe we do so mostly as a means of self-expression. Whether or not an idea or creation is grasped by one, a few, or many, is almost irrelevant.
Yes, especially when it is transparent, document, insightful, respectful, and tactful. Even more when it opens to discussion and debate with prompts, questions, and reflections. Synthesis, at a certain point, could add value, as well.
We need to be more conscious and critical when sharing or we risk contributing to the information chaos with the historical consequences in front of us.
Thank you, @GeoEng51.
Perhaps, this talk can illustrate my point a bit more:
In the end, the only people who self-destruct by putting the benefits of others first are the ones who are not doing it honestly, but rather seek the nice feeling you get from helping.
This is the reason why I avoid social media. To me, it is uncanny to expose myself to mass-self-expression. I seek people who do what the do for the love (or passion to the point of suffering) of doing it or to just help.
I am a Zettler
Thanks for sharing these four levels of attitude towards life. I
think this speech could help people to learn how to live a happy life.
In the first level, i.e. to me, one is more influenced by his emotional
mind and is not willing to change. The second level, i.e., by me, is
an updated version. This level of attitude lets people do actions
instead of blaming the external world. The downside of this level is
that it requires energy to maintain that consciousness. The third
level, i.e., through me, embraces the core attitude that giving up the
need for control. In other words, embracing the uncertainty, which
the source of stress in the second level. This level of attitude is
featured by experiencing a flow state. However, it is a very limited
experience that one person can experience such events.
The final level, i.e., as me, is about forgetting the separation and
give unconditional love to this world. This will let everything you
do in your life a flow state experience. Everything is connected. Just
like one of the core concepts of Zettelkästen, i.e., making
connections. Everything is connected, but why sometimes, we do not see
it? It's because we do not exercise it enough.
think this speech could help people to learn how to live a happy life.
To really drive my point home: I believe that it is neither possible nor admirable to strive for happiness. One should aim for meaning instead. Then one achieves that state of happiness that is needed. I could describe why it is technically impossible to achieve happiness by striving for it. But in reality, it is one of my religious dogmas.
I am a great admirer of Viktor Frankl's approach, especially as he scetched it in his book "Man in Search of Meaning".
@Massimo_Curatella Dang, this goes offtopic. I jumped the thread because you informally closed it and I thought I could provide something useful for your personal riddle. If you want I separate this whole existential line of thought to purify the thread about your writing streak.
I am a Zettler
No! Please!
I love having a place like this thread with contributions. I really appreciate it, thanks!
I think will want to keep this thread alive with conversations like this. It's extremely stimulating. I am also thinking I should post here my drafts, questions and provocations to involve you. I would give more sense to the eventual posted article.
I think I am changing my mind, in a good way, about this thread.
Thanks, again.
@Sascha @Massimo_Curatella I believe happiness is something that finds you, as you are actively pursuing whatever goals you have set for yourself in life. Notice I didn't say "achieving them", just pursuing them. But as Sascha says, it doesn't work the other way around - you can't pursue happiness itself. It's much too ephemeral to capture it in that manner.
It is always interesting to see a different point of view.
Let me explain a little bit more. Since I did not even think about my
reaction to four levels of attitude towards life would have such a
connection to the meaning of meaning.
I often ask myself, what's the ultimate goal of my life? I think that
the most obvious answer is to find happiness. But, if you ask what's
happiness? I would definitely be happy to talk about the meaning of
happiness within the name-space of my life.
I find writing is a process that can give me a feeling of happiness.
When I fully engaged in writing, I will say that the time period that
I experienced was a happy time. And if I could do that at every moment
of my life, I would say that I have a happy life. It's simply
impossible. I like riding my bike in challenging conditions. Downhill
from a trail with high speed. Each and every moment, I can only focus
on body position on the bike otherwise I will end up with a broken
neck. As I get used to the trail, I got bored and I need to increase
my speed or finding more challenging trails. In addition to that, I
like the feeling of getting my body tired and I like the feeling of
getting more Serotonin into my body, which was discussed.young2007increase
Also, I find the mind gets diffused and thus I could be more creative
when I am writing things, thus I will be happier. In addition, I can
socialize with people who share similar ideas because biking and
riding with people within the nature area brings people closer, so I
can learn from other people's different points of view. It will
enhance my creativity when I am writing things, so I will be happy.
Meaning is different people to people. The point is that you can hack
with your own version.
Once I understand that everything in this universe can be somehow
connected to each other, every single moment of my life can be viewed
from this point of view. So I don't need to just write things to be
without drugs. Journal of psychiatry \& neuroscience: JPN, 32(6), 1.
Hey, Friends!
I am Learning Out Loud!
This is really the right place to post this. Would you like to help me learn?
Learning Out Loud: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
I’m doing a crazy experiment. Instead of researching and reporting, I will write down what I know about data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
@Massimo_Curatella I went through a similar exercise a few months ago, trying to tie down the relationship between a) data and ideas, b) understanding, c) knowledge, d) wisdom and e) foresight. I think you are "missing" the understanding step, although you could argue the point that the distinction I make between understanding and knowledge is a subtle one.
The way I defined it:
I also included the concept of "learning", although it is not in-line or sequential with the others. I thought learning was the process of getting an idea into your head, into your long term memory, where you can access and apply it whenever you need it. If you follow the processes of developing understanding and gaining knowledge, you will as part of that mental and physical effort (serious study and deliberate practice), also have fixed that idea in your mind.
I also thought about "foresight". I thought foresight is the ability to anticipate or predict what might happen, and thereby to prepare for what the future might bring. It is closely related to evaluating and mitigating risk, but it is not restricted just to that particular field. It is connected to the sequence listed above, in that whether foresight arises from a risk assessment or from an understanding of human behaviour, wisdom is required to judge the best course of action to take in response to any perceived threat.
with your own version.
That is not correct. Meaning is highly similar from people to people with minor differences. From bottom to top on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs we are the very same because we are all people. However, because of the modern misconception of our freedom we think we are all different. (I know, I provided no argument)
But this question will be part of the upcoming livestreams - filtered through the Zettelkastenmethod.
(with reasoning, link context and some tags to enhance the understanding of meaning.. it will be a nice ride).
I am a Zettler
Thank you, @GeoEng51 and @Sascha
This is my researched article on the same topics:
What is data, information, knowledge, and wisdom?
By giving context to raw data, you obtain information. Knowledge is information connected. Wisdom is knowledge applied to decision-making.
I must say my improvised brain-download was pretty accurate!
Learning Out Loud is fun, I think I've found a new and better way to write daily.
Another experiment in Learning Out Loud:
Why capturing knowledge?
Capturing data, information, and knowledge depends on your vision and your character.
Capturing diagram images in your PKM System
Store images related to your interests and connect them to possible future use scenarios.