Zettelkasten Forum

Use Cases of Work Flows - What do you miss?

edited September 2020 in The Zettelkasten Method

Hi Zettlers,

I extended the second edition with some use cases. At the moment, I have the following:

  • Thinking on Paper. How to use pen and paper to assist thinking and preprocess texts. This extends the Barbell Method of Reading.
  • Processing empirical studies. Self explaining.
  • Process Books. Self explaining.
  • Integrate models with each other. For example, integrate flow and map of meaning into a model that has explanatory power of both.
  • How to take notes (in class or while reading). Self explaining.
  • How to create processes. For example, plan your journey mastering bodyweight skills like handstand, one arm pull up etc.
  • How to get a grip on a topic. Self explaining.
  • Functional tags/keywords. How to think about functional tags and a method to create some.

These are in-depth explanations of actual work flows, all - of course - demonstrated with real world examples and diagrams (many people asked for pictures, rightfully so).

Do you miss anything?

Live long and prosper

I am a Zettler


  • @Sascha can you briefly describe your target audience?

    Are you asking for a review of completeness or do you also accept unfiltered suggestions - i.e. not necessarily missing but possibly worth of consideration?

    my first Zettel uid: 202008120915

  • @zk_1000 said:
    @Sascha can you briefly describe your target audience?

    Are you asking for a review of completeness or do you also accept unfiltered suggestions - i.e. not necessarily missing but possibly worth of consideration?

    Anything that comes to your mind. The book will be very comprehensive and the result of a decades worth of work. So anything worth of consideration

    I am a Zettler

  • @Sascha for your consideration.

    Most of you use case are designed around feeding you zettelkasten. I'm interested in use cases where I'm being feed by my zelletkasten. Paricurularly in the area of writing.
    1. Blogging
    2. Essay (Creative writing)
    3. Long Form article or papers or disertations
    4. Book Writing

    I have a strong interest and backgroung in creative woodworking but I've not one zettel on the topic. This area of interest seems so tactile and less mental. I've not found a way to meld it with my zettelkasten that don't feel like just a collection of recipes and facts. How might this be switched and become a use case?

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will thanks for the suggestions. I all of your four points will be covered in "writing and creating with the Zettelkasten".

    A (very) short use case is this: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/blogging-zettelkasten-fast-feedback/

    Does this goes in the direction you intended?

    I think the upcoming blog post on how to keep and annotated diary in the Zettelkasten is a good candidate to harness the power of the Zettelkasten for your woodwork. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • If what you were communicating went over my head, than ignore this comment.

    Something to consider is including a use cases based off professions also (e.g. student, lawyer, fiction author, etc). This was the note I created for coming up with examples to try to demonstrate how a zettelkasten can be used.

  • @Sascha, yes your short blog post on blog posting (this is surprisingly circular) is a start in the direction I'm interested in exploring. I did find @Phil's comment illuminating in that I have the same issue. I realize I'm stuck in the rabbit hole of set-up learning curves, MarkDown/HTML conversion, static website tools, Jykell vs. Gatsby vs. Hugo, Squarespace integration, etc.

    My advice to my future self and my present self and all the other selves in me - "Just start and iterate to improve."

    I look forward to your blog post on keeping an annotated diary in the zettelkasten. The challenge will be to convince me to change my mind as it is my opinion that a diary/journal thinking/writing is antithetical to the ZKM.

    We'll see.


    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Nick said:
    If what you were communicating went over my head, than ignore this comment.

    Something to consider is including a use cases based off professions also (e.g. student, lawyer, fiction author, etc). This was the note I created for coming up with examples to try to demonstrate how a zettelkasten can be used.

    The first two cases are what I thought of. Specific use cases and not specific users. :)

    However, I covered three user cases:

    1. ZKM for students
    2. for fiction writers
    3. for personal growth

    I am searchin for specific use cases you might wrestle with

    @Will Got you.

    I am a Zettler

  • @Will can you link to the post(s) by @Phil? Didn't find them.

    I am a Zettler

  • Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Ah, ok.


    @Will said:
    My advice to my future self and my present self and all the other selves in me - "Just start and iterate to improve."

    I just started a blog hosted by wordpress. The learning curve is nearly non-existent. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • So, I am brand new here and just joined this forum today. Three user cases are identified above: Student; Fiction Writer; and Personal Growth. I would like to suggest Non-fiction Writer as a fourth user case. That is my primary use of ZK (research into family history). Sometimes I have to weigh competing evidence for contradictory claims and choose the path that seems most correct. This entails analysis and detective work.

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