Zettelkasten Forum

What are you working on this week? (2020-09-21 to 2020-09-27)

I am cleaning up a few folders with older files i have hoarded over the years. I am going to delete as much as i can, sporadically feeding my Zettelkasten with interesting finds.

my first Zettel uid: 202008120915


  • This week I'll be working on processing the 101 highlights and notes I took while reading Rutger Bregman's (2019): Humankind: a hopeful history. I'm still using and getting great value out of the Idea Index workflow. These highlights and notes will be refactored into 15-25 notes over the next few weeks.

    I'm going to continue working on the edits to my book. I'm being fed by my zettelkasten as I work through the assignments in my creative writing class.

    I'll be continuing the slow work on my secret project.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • I'm writing Zettels containing personal memories this week - mostly of experiences with some lesson attached. I'm trying to keep each Zettel short and focussed on the lesson; no more than about 200-300 words; a few have been a bit longer. I have written 15 of them so far; hopefully can add another 10 or so this week. I'm writing them in a random order, just as they occur to me, prompted by meditation or quiet reading. Eventually, I will use them all to write a personal history (maybe), but for now, I'm learning what has filed away in my brain and what lines of thought will develop as I get each memory down on paper.

  • Working from home again after a busy week in the lab.

    I've been adding more to zettelkasten recently, which is because I've been taking better notes while reading/studying, which is probably because I've actually had some time to read. Mainly work-stuff.

  • @Will I listened to a good interview with him and wanted to pick up his book. I have a separate vault just for tracking books that I'm interested in reading. I want to combine it with my main vault but Obsidian doesn't have a way for me to localize my tags to a specific folder only. I have about 50 books that came out this year that I'd like to read but am unable because I don't go through books quick enough.

    This week I'm trying to work my way through books before adding more books to my active reading collection. I can get through the books quickly if I don't take notes, otherwise I get captured by this algorithm.

  • Submitted my final first author paper as a student last week. Still plugging away at my dissertation, which is due to my committee by the end of the week. After that, I'm hopeful I'll finally have time to start reading into the subject that is central to the new researcher position that I start in November.

  • I'm finishing up a pretty big migration in my business to a new platform. Lots of loose ends to tie up there, plus continuing to create videos and other content for both my business and the company I work for. I use my Zettelkasten heavily for task management as well as the "proper" Zettelkasten method. It's kinda fun having everything in one place.

  • @Nick said:
    @Will I listened to a good interview with him and wanted to pick up his book. I have a separate vault just for tracking books that I'm interested in reading. I want to combine it with my main vault but Obsidian doesn't have a way for me to localize my tags to a specific folder only. I have about 50 books that came out this year that I'd like to read but am unable because I don't go through books quick enough.

    This week I'm trying to work my way through books before adding more books to my active reading collection. I can get through the books quickly if I don't take notes, otherwise I get captured by this algorithm.

    Yes, indeed I agree Twitter is a where productivity goes to die. For more than one reason.

    Maybe we should be like monks and cloister ourselves to protect us from being captivated by too much interesting stuff. :wink: There is a problem when reading that reading often refers to more reading or sparks a sudden interest on other topics. Read one book or web article or research paper and 5 more have to added to the To-Read List. This is exponential and frankly both the blessing and a curse of being a zettelnaut.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:
    Maybe we should be like monks and cloister ourselves to protect us from being captivated by too much interesting stuff. :wink:

    Haha! Then we wouldn't be writing anything in this forum, either :>

  • My WAYWOW for this week: finish the last (for now) editing pass of the ZK video course script. 🎉

    @prometheanhindsight said:
    Submitted my final first author paper as a student last week.


    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

    • Getting ready to kick off an innovative culture initiative at work, so feeding my Zettel with fun things for that
    • Ramping up for my first papers and projects for this semester - creativity at work + quantitative research. Feeding and being fed by my Zettels.
    • Crafting a provocative proposition for myself as an authentic and collaborative creator and leader. Again, feeding and being fed.
    • Raising a virtual glass to Luhmann for making my life easier with all of this!

    Oh, also preparing my response plan for the inevitable sharknados that will follow the current zombie storm, because 2020.

  • This week I am finishing a student paper (Hausarbeit) for my Philosophy Course about Friedrich Nietzsches Human, All too Human (Menschliches, Allzumenschliches). I thought about concept of moral in the 45th aphorism.
    Here is my messy Structure note with which I try to organise my paper.

    # 202008130723 Ü1 IK Nietzsche
    __Was verrät MA I 45 über den Begriff der Moral?__
    Ist es Nietzsches Ziel, wie die Überschrift des 2. Hauptstücks andeutet, die göttliche Moral zu diskreditieren? Nicht unbedingt, die Aufgabe der Moralkritik Nietzsche ist (1) analytisch und (2) synthetisch. Die aus Gott entstandene Moralvorstellung muss dadurch notwendigerweise fallen. 
    1. Einleitung [[202008181415]]
    2. Begriff der Moral bei Nietzsche [[202008181428]]
        - Was ist moralisch, was ist unmoralisch laut 2. Hauptstück
        - Der Sprecher des 45. Aphorismus aus MA I lässt keine Schlüsse darauf zu, ob, oder welche Moralvorstellungen zu bevorzugen sind. 
    3. Das 2. Hauptstück in MA als Moralkritik
        - Doppelte Aufgabe der Moralkritik bei Nietzsche [[202009140929]]
        - Lassen sich in MA I, 45 synthetische Ansätze erkennen? Moralvorschläge?[[202009011402]]
    (Eingebettet in diese Versuche Nietzsches die moralischen Empfindungen zu erklären und teilweise zu synthetisieren...)
    4. Was lernen wir über die Moral in MA I, 45?
        - Der Hauptpunkt in der Erklärung der Moral in dem Aphroismus 45 ist, dass eine Moral nicht auf einen metaphysischen Ursprung angewiesen ist, vielmehr schlägt die Sprechinstanz des 45. Aphorismus eine doppelte Vorgeschichte von Gut und Böse vor. 
        - Verständnis von gut und böse in MAI, 45 [[202008130812]]
        - Nietzsche ergründet die dopplete Vorgeschichte von Gut und Böse in einem historischen Erklärungsansatz [[202009140948]]
        - In der Moralkritik des vorliegenden Aphorismus scheint der Sprecher einen kleinen aber erheblichen Unterschied zwischen 'Gut und Schlecht' und 'Gut und Böse' zu sehen. Nicht nur der offensichtliche etxmylogische/begriffliche Unterschied fällt auf. [[202009230959]]
        - In diesem Unterschied in den Motiven der moralischen Wertung liegt auch die Antwort auf die Frage, warum sich unterschiedliche Moralvorstellungen entwickelten. Beide Gruppen von Menschen, die herrschenden Kasten Stämme und Kasten und die Unterdrückten, Machtlosen, benötigen Erklärungsmuster um die eigene Situation zu erklären. In beiden Fälle ist das Machtgefälle zwischen den Gruppen ausschlaggebend. Im Fall der herrschenden Stämme und Kasten drückt sich das Machtgefälle dahingehend aus, dass nicht die Feinde als schelcht angesehen werden, sondern nur die Menschen, die nicht fähig oder mächtig genug sind zu vergelten. Diese Menschen gelten als verächtlich.  [#nietzsche2005, 67, Z.21] In dem Fall der der Unterdückten und Machtlosen macht sich das Machtgefälle in einer allumfassenden Skepsis bemerkbar. Sogar dahingehend, dass "jeder a-n-d-e-r-e Mensch" [#nietzsche2005, 67, Z.28] als böse angesehen wird. Aufgrund des Machtgefälles bleiben alle menschliche Handlungen, seien sie tatsächlich "feindlich, rücksichtslos, ausbeutend, grausam, listig, sei er vornehm oder niedrig" [#nietzsche2005, 67, Z.29] oder seien sie gütig oder hilfsbereit [Vgl. #nietzsche2005, 68, Z.1], Manifestationen der Bosheit. Diese Ansichten wiedersprechen sich fundamental in ihrem Umgang mit dem sich zeigenden Machtgefälle. Daher entwickelte sich laut MA I, 45 eine doppelte Vorgeschichte der Moralvorstellung. 
        - Ein weiterer Einblick, welcher MA I, 45 in den Begriff der Moral gewährt, ist die Verknüpfung von Moral und Gemeingefühl. Das Gemeingefühl als integraler Teil des 'Guten' [[202008181357]]
        - Begriff der Seele: Die Moralvorstellung ist nur in der Seele, nicht etwas was in der Gesellschaft ausgelebt wird? (DEF Seele in Wörtebuch von Nietzsches Zeit)
        - Gott 
        - Fazit nach Gedankenstrich; Warum ist unsere Moral auf dem Boden der herrschenden Stämme und Kasten aufgewachsen? -- Weil wir ein Gemeinwesen haben? 
    5. Fazit (Was haben wir in MA I, 45 über die Moral gelernt?)
    • Finishing the use cases chapter in the ZKM-book.
    • I caved and am preparing curricula and processes for ZK-Coaching which will be inspired by my "main" coaching experience. Working on some discipline specific modules.
    • Developed a model that incorporates my work on pain psychology, philosophy of consciousness, decision making, will (both psychological and philosophical), brain anatomy and applications of personal development (habit building, working on ones ideological/fundamental dogmas, how to build various traits and virtues through exercises etc.) (different lines of year-long work finally comes together -> Consilience of Knowledge may sound inspiring but one needs to have a lot of staying power)

    I am a Zettler

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