Zettelkasten Forum

Hi from the UK and keen to get feedback on my workflow...

I stumbled upon the idea of a Zettelkasten when I found out about a product called RoamResearch about 3 or 4 months ago, which I've since started using. To me its exactly what wiki’s should have been when the concept first came about years ago, and I’ve since replaced my task manager, notebook, etc, with using Roam instead.

I’m actually using Roam currently for day to day notes, meeting notes, etc, due to the date/tagging/querying capabilities. There’s definitely a place for a product like Roam, but I'm not sure its the same place for simple software like The Archive, that just keeps it all plain and understandable.
I’ve started a physical Zettelkasten with note cards to get to grips using the most basic of basics, but I also copy the notes into The Archive for a digital backup. I like having the physical aspect as I retain information better if I draw/write it by hand, but having the ability to perform a quick text search using The Archive is invaluable. Not to mention having the archive stored in the cloud means its all backed up off site! For ID's I just number the cards the same in both places, and then I can very quickly find the related card in both hard and soft copy format and update both at the same time.

I feel like I'm mainly using The Archive and my physical Zettelkasten for true knowledge management. My workflow is essentially day to day writing and notes/links/brain dumping/etc in Roam, and atomic notes in The Archive. I can link between the 2 pieces of software, so its not overly difficult to be able to refer to the related notes in either platform.

Keen to see other peoples workflows though, as I know mines probably too complicated. I would definitely like it simpler, but I can't figure out how to make it any simpler at the moment...
The information you guys have been giving away on your YouTube channel has been so valuable to me, to help understand the inner workings of the Zettelkasten, and how to make it work for me. Definitely keen to see more!
I'll be purchasing the software once payday comes around!

Any suggestions would be appreciated!



  • Welcome to the forums.
    Thank for sharing a peek into your workflow. Stick around and you'll pick up some great tips and tricks to incorporate into your workflow.

    @sepuku said:
    I'm actually using Roam currently for day to day notes, meeting notes, etc, due to the date/tagging/querying capabilities. ... I feel like I'm mainly using The Archive and my physical Zettelkasten for true knowledge management.

    A few of us in the forums here, also keep our PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) separate from the rest of our digital life. I use Evernote and have for over a dozen years to keep digital detritus like a journal, appliance manuals, web clippings, GTD stuff, etc. I confess, I've spent untold hours' collecting', and I have no recollection of any of it. - Twelve thousand notes in Evernote sounds like a brag, but it's actually an embarrassment.

    Evernote still scratches an itch and has lots of value in many of lives personas, but I keep PKM separate.

    Don't misunderstand, I'm not pushing Evernote. I'd look at Roam if I were to start today, but I'm just sticking with the software silo what I have momentum.

    @sepuku said:
    My workflow is essentially a day to day writing and notes/links/brain dumping/etc in Roam, and atomic notes in The Archive. I can link between the 2 pieces of software, so it's not overly difficult to be able to refer to the related notes in either platform.

    This interlinking of the two systems is crucial, and it allows tremendous flexibility.

    Welcome, I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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