Tying Blogging and the Zettelkasten Method Together for Fast Feedback
Tying Blogging and the Zettelkasten Method Together for Fast Feedback
If you have a blog, you can use it to get fast feedback for your long form writing through Zettelkasten notes.
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Imagine a blogpost a public Zettel.
I am a Zettler
It is funny you guys posted this today. I’ve actually been thinking of the same idea myself. I’m considering using 1-3 Zettelnotes per blog post. So roughly 100-600 words per post. I wasn’t planning on limiting my topics. I’d post about whatever was interesting to me at the time.
What are other people’s thoughts?
Been thinking along similar lines myself @Brian, but stymied by own disappearance down the rabbit hole of Blogger vs. Wordpress, themes, set-up learning curves, etc., etc.
Started ZK 4.2018. "The path is at your feet, see? Now carry on."
I know a guy who regularly issues posts on (mostly) Apple-related computer news. They are always short and punchy, usually containing one idea, and could easily be Zettels, although I'm not sure he is conscious of the concept. I've followed him for a while just because I like his writing style. For a flavour of that, see: