Structure Note - Creative Nonfiction "Fire Season" Philip Connors
This is a sample of how I've interpreted the notion of a Structure Note. Not strictly a Table of Contents, more of an annotated TOC. In this case, some notable quotes and links to core ideas, a note for if I'm ever in New York to check out the Berg Collection of English and American Literature. I added context around each link to help place it for my future self. I'm a writer so the focus is on Philip's writing techniques and how they might help my writing.
The ::inbox
is used in a saved search for work in progress. I have 30 more pages to read in this book and may further refactor some of these bullet points.
Over there @ctietze said a "structure note that links to, orders, and comments on all these for an overview, and to prepare a potential article/book outline." I agree and strive to shape this structure note as if I had to write a 500-word book review (even though I probably won't). I think it is important to add comments to the links here to hint at what lies beyond. It is a helpful mental exercise to think and imagine a pithy comment that points the way without giving away the "punchline".
The lower portion of this note is a meta-block which is more developed with a book publication than it would be with a zettel note.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
This is a great way to put it!
If I overview all the different types and possibilities of Structure Zettel it is not a suprise that you have a more annotated version. I try to make the titles as descriptive, short and spartanic as possible to make the pure TOCs feasable.
But, I have more annotated Structure Zettel, too. If the Structure is hierarchical, the hierarchy of nested lists and subsections is enough. But sometimes, I need to describe, sometimes even draw, the structure that I am writing about. In that cases, I have no choice but to give my future self more detailed instructions and views on the structure.
So, I think you are doing naturally what is necessary.
I am a Zettler
This is great @will, thanks for sharing a peek into your structure note