Literary Machine
Some of you Zettelkasten fans might be interested in an outdated and idiosyncratic program called Literary Machine. You can learn more here: The program is powerful but far from intuitive, so here are my personal notes about how to use it: The core items in LM are: * Concept/category words (in… -
phi-notes emacs package
Dear friends, I'm releasing phi-notes, an emacs package implementing a minor mode to work with a flavour of the Zettelkasten system I've been using for some years now. It has the following characteristics: * Notes are identified by unique, sequential numbers (0001, 0002 etc.). * Notes may be linked using the wikilink… -
Beginning Obsidian Note: Structure
Hi All , I'm in the midst of building things out in Obsidian and have a dynamic collection of notes growing. I've watched the Linking Your Thinking videos, which are helpful. (Thanks to @davecan for that suggestion). This is how my cards are laid out: Note Title Note title again, as per LYT. 202103151756 Body of note,… -
Finder tags to #hashtag converter (aka Spotlight tags used by nvALT, DEVONthink, etc.)
The Archive v1.5.7 (Beta)
Read the post:* Fixed: Icon selection for Saved Searches on macOS 10.11 El Capitan didn’t display the built-in icons. * Fixed: Sidebar widths (and visibility settings) are remember next time you start the app. * Fixed: The Quick Entry Helper doesn’t error-out when you try… -
Converting filename tags to note-body hashtags
Hi all. I am trying The Archive, and quite enjoying it so far after a long time using nvAlt. I've been using codes in my note filenames to roughly categorize them. Files beginning with !qt are quotes, while !lg are log entries of various kinds, !cn is for notes from calls or conversations, and so on. I also have some… -
Re: Tagging individual sentences (rather than the entire note)
Can you explain what that app does or share a picture of how you use it? Tbh I can't quite imagine what's going to happen, looking at the website alone. Some apps support #hashtags so you could annotate sentences in-line as well. I find this a bit unwieldy. But then again I'm not analysing interview transcripts, so it'd be… -
Re: [REQUEST] Finder tag conversion
Re: iOS only?
I'm pretty sure I don't use any specific actions for 1Writer, since I primarily use it for viewing and searching my notes. It's easily the best app I've found for that, in part because it handles Dropbox photos and renders Multimarkdown very nicely (for my purposes). The Drafts actions are pretty simple. I use an overly… -
Re: iOS only?
I do use my Mac (a lot), but I also create and use notes on my iPhone quite a bit. I use Drafts, and I have custom actions that use the first line of a note as a title (and add a date time stamp), and the second line as tags (I separate the tag values with commas). Although I create my notes in Drafts, I tend to search and…