Kourosh Dini's new book?
I see that Kourosh Dini has a new book out on Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink, which apparently explores the zettlekasten through Devonthink. I am a user of DT, but have tended towards simpler solutions for my Zettels (namely The Archive, NValt, and 1Writer), but am curious to see this. He also is doing a few blog posts on it. Anyone had a chance to look at it yet? https://www.beingproductive.org/2020/05/organizing-your-ideas-with-devonthink-series-introduction-1-of-6/
Howdy, Stranger!
I remember a couple of years ago when folks asked the DT creators for info on the "Zettelkasten" topic and nobody knew anything about it
Great to see info material being developed in this space! (Found this via MacSparky)
Curious to see how our DEVONthink veterans benefit from this book.
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Thanks for this. I've just bought / downloaded it, not because I necessarily want to move to DT (although I use it in a basic way) but because I find benefit in reading how different tools are used. I'll let you know if it seems any good when I get chance to look at it properly.
Thanks @JFK! I really should just buy it too, and stop being a cheapskate.
I bought it because his work has helped me in the past. He does have a tendency to build overly complex, weighty systems, but I feel like I always learn from them and then I’m able to apply his thinking to build something more lightweight. I’ll report back after I’ve finished.
@kevin When you report back I would love to also hear the ideas from his other books that you found valuable.
I am about halfway through the book, in fact I must say that it is rather useful, especially regarding the use of DT it provides indications of use that I find useful, especially for those who have not had time to read the manual in depth.