Former lurker here. Is there a chatroom for the discussion of Zettelkastens?
I was wondering if you guys have an official discord or irc server for the discussion of Zettelkastens. It would be great as an offload for asking simple/short questions. A casual place for discussion would also reduce the growing clutter in the main forums.
Howdy, Stranger!
I tried searching for this as well. On Freenode IRC I was unable to find any. I ended up asking my questions in
after making them a bit more applicable to org-mode despite not using it myself. Outside the related subreddits, this forum is the biggest community related to note taking that I have been able to find. I love how it actually takes this stuff seriously and produces some thought provoking discussions.Since no IRC channel existed (I double checked with
/msg alis LIST *zettel*
among others), I just created one. Feel free to join#zettelkasten
on Freenode.Well thanks Grayen for searching thoroughly for one. At least for me, every good community I have come across has some sort of place to have a conversation in real-time. I have seen people on discord form close relationships and camaraderie through rapid and aimless casual talk, the antithesis to the slow, well thought out posts on the forum here.
Also, it was insensitive to imply that there are posts that may be clutter, I should have been more thoughtful. Any post could definitely be insightful to others.
I do hope the zettelkasten irc gets more populated, as it is still pretty much empty.
The IRC channel has (at least) one more participant now.
Went ahead and created a discord server for it
Thanks Nick!
Is the discord invite expired already?
@mleo2003 created one that wouldn't expire, sorry didn't realize they expire.
Are our discussions getting too fragmented?
Now with Discord activity and IRC. I don't know yet whether my limited attention can tolerate fragmentation. Has everyone left for the Discord pit?
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I am with you. I like the calmness of a forum. Chat is to hectic and I don't do any social media other than posting something every couple of months because I am guilt tripping myself for not doing any marketing.
I even have a chapter in one of my books on such fragmentation. Name of the book: *Modernity as sickness"
I am a Zettler
Cal Newport has made a whole career out of pushing back against attention fragmentation. I totally fall for this kind of thing as it makes a difference in the quality of my life and work. Even this simple distracting asynchronous forum sometimes pulls at me. (Personal Problem)
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@Will I share your pain, brother. I am just like this: Any new stream of information ist more clutter. I'd call myself an information and knowledge addict.
I am a Zettler
@Will @Sascha I prefer forums too because it centralizes discussion. But some people enjoy the ability to chat about stuff in a less formal way and real time.
You don't communicate in IRL in forum fashion. Sometimes live chat is nice, sometimes forums are nice. If you don't like the live chat, I wouldn't worry about having to participate. I don't think you'll be missing out.
This should probably go into a permanent link visible on the front page.