Anyone interested in tag auto completion may update to v1.8.3 (released now)
is the system-wide shortcut to invoke auto-completion on macOS.
This worked in The Archive for basic dictionary word completions since day 1.
Now it also works for hashtags, suggesting from the index of all known tags -- instead of dictionary words.
When you type a #
, the new completion UI automatically appears.
The new UI also works with dictionary words, allowing type-completion (instead of dismissing automatically as you continue to write)
Check it out!
Author at •
Howdy, Stranger!
It seems to work as intended on my end. It would be very nice to have this functionality with note titles as well.
@m_g That's where we'll be heading
Author at •
This is great! One step closer to replacing Keyboard Maestro for interacting with the Archive.
Thriving with fibromyalgia by becoming a pain expert.