Zettelkasten Forum

Really trying...

Writing and trying to link something but the numbers of jumps, copying and fiddling between the notes are killing me. I want to add [[link]], click in it and continue writing in the linked note. But, loosing the uuid, a note without it is badness. Generate the UUID, add a heading, a new note is created - crap, find the old one, copy the text, jump back, paste. Find the original note referring to the link and update it with the new link, including the UUID - phew.

Am I doing something wrong?


  • If I understand your question right, I don't think you are doing anything wrong.

    Right now, there isn't a way to write a link in a note and click on it to create a new note. A note must be made before the link works. There are at least three ways to do this. One method is to use a two window workflow that keeps the target note in focus. The second way is to use the Navigate > Navigate Back menu keyboard shortcut. ⇧⌘] Switching back and forth.

    I use Keyboard Maestro to do this. It can be configured to create new notes from templates and leave target note links in the source notes.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thanks Will for your answer!
    I have looked at and are planning to dig into Keyboard Maestro as that seems inevitable and at least for me, very much needed. But this would be so much easier if just The Archive could search among available notes after [[ has been invoked...

  • @dozepih I'm currently working on auto-completion (starting with hashtags) to help with this.

    To insert a link to a new note at the current point, I find myself using the "Extract Note" plug-in a lot. It moves the selection into the new note, or just drops a link and creates the file for you in one go. (Available from the Cutting Edge channel for a while. I'm just now publishing the update for regular updates as well)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • @dozepih said:
    Thanks Will for your answer!
    I have looked at and are planning to dig into Keyboard Maestro as that seems inevitable and at least for me, very much needed. But this would be so much easier if just The Archive could search among available notes after [[ has been invoked...

    That's something I also miss using The Archive app. [[ to search is very convenient when you are in the flow and want to connect one idea without leave your note.

    @ctietze said:
    @dozepih I'm currently working on auto-completion (starting with hashtags) to help with this.

    This is very good news!

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