Zettelkasten Forum

For Ambient Sournds: Elpy

Currently using: https://vanejung.com/elpy/

Very nice and simple. I use it instead music. Currently trying to develop a low-dopamin environment.

I am a Zettler


  • Folks who enjoy this stuff may also enjoy https://www.lofiatc.com/

    I've been listening to it recently and have been enjoying it am going to try Elpy as well.

  • I like
    mynoise.net - absolutely stellar sounds and mixes! (from fireplace to random piano sounds)
    deepfocus.io - when I want quickly some easy mix (cafe, sea, wind, library etc)

  • @Sascha said:
    Currently using: https://vanejung.com/elpy/

    Very nice and simple. I use it instead music. Currently trying to develop a low-dopamin environment.

    This is cool - thank you. But I have a question - what is wrong with just creating a quiet environment. I find any kind of noise to be distracting, if I'm trying to read or write something.

  • @GeoEng51 said:

    This is cool - thank you. But I have a question - what is wrong with just creating a quiet environment. I find any kind of noise to be distracting, if I'm trying to read or write something.

    My environment includes: My daughter laughing or crying (mostly angry...), very undisciplined kids in my neighborhood. So, by increasing the base level of noise, I am actually decreasing false signals.

    I find any kind of noise to be distracting, if I'm trying to read or write something.

    Do you find rain distracting? I mean real rain on your window. :)

    I am a Zettler

  • edited July 2023

    @Sascha said:

    Do you find rain distracting? I mean real rain on your window. :)

    Depends on the sound level - there is some level below which rain or wind would be soothing and not really noticed. But I normally seek for as quiet an environment as I can find, with nothing intruding on mental processes.

    Having said that, once I am "in the flow", my wife tells me that very little actually gets through. She likes the joke about the person who saw his neighbour (a farmer) hitting his cow over the head with a 2 x 4. When questioned why he was being so mean, the farmer said: "That's not being mean; that's just to get his attention".

    I understand your need for "white" noise, though, when in an already noisy environment. It does indeed reduce the distractions.

  • There is no need. :) I just like it when it rains and thunders.

    The general pattern is that I try to heighten the experience during work, while managing the costs of this heightening.

    I am a Zettler

  • Two of the best sites that I use are:
    https://asoftmurmur.com/ - combination of sounds to mix them up
    https://rainymood.com/ - Rain only
    Youtube or Spotify - for music in background, things like this, or some LoFi:

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    Try https://mynoise.net/
    and support the awesome author.

    Thanks for that suggestions - amazing site and sounds!!

  • My pleasure. Please share your favorites

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    My pleasure. Please share your favorites

    One of my favourites is "Japanese Garden" - it reminds me so much of the Japanese section at the Buchart's Gardens near Victoria, Canada. I've spent many happy hours there just enjoying the quiet, gentle sounds (including the water pipe).

    I wasn't expecting "Distant Thunder" to actually put me to sleep, but it is remarkably calming.

    One aspect of any of the sounds is the ability to adjust various components of the sound or try out preset balances. It's so configurable that one can find something that suits any particular occasion.

  • Thanks. The Japanese one is also my favorite. I was curious to know if you adjusted the channels. Check also animation and looping. Descriptions contain lots of hints. And try multi generators.

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    Thanks. The Japanese one is also my favorite. I was curious to know if you adjusted the channels. Check also animation and looping. Descriptions contain lots of hints. And try multi generators.

    Will do. I made a modest contribution to the "author" so seem to have full access to play around.

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    Try https://mynoise.net/
    and support the awesome author.

    The same person made https://calmyleon.com/

    The interface is easier to navigate, same as the sound mixer.

  • yes but it's a specific and restricted application of the enormous amount of sounds the main website offers. Recent news: there is now a revamped Android app if you're all interested.

  • I've really enjoyed GetSound recently (included in Setapp). Ambient music that does not put you to sleep and yet is not intrusive. Like Endel, but actually musical (gosh I hate Endel's dissonant Focus music).

    "A writer should write what he has to say and not speak it." - Ernest Hemingway

    PKM: Obsidian + DEVONthink, tasks: OmniFocus, production: Scrivener / Ableton Live.

  • @KillerWhale said:
    I've really enjoyed GetSound recently (included in Setapp). Ambient music that does not put you to sleep and yet is not intrusive. Like Endel, but actually musical (gosh I hate Endel's dissonant Focus music).

    I was checking out Noizio on Setapp the other day and it wasn't great, so thanks for the recommendation!

    I skipped Elpy because it's a twohundred-something Megawhoops (probably Electron) app.

    But GetSound is 3/4 of a Gigabyte, wowza! The sounds better be good

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • I listen to Drone Zone on SOMA FM. Until I nod off.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

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