What physical steps do you take when linking existing Zettels to a new one?
It takes me about 20-30 minutes to create 1 Zettel sometimes because my linking process often involves sifting through my Slipbox to find the right note to place my note behind. As my Slipbox grows, it becomes cumbersome to keep this up.
I see plenty of posts share abstract advice for linking Zettels together and implementing Folgezettel.
- Each link should create knowledge
- Create a new Zettel when you're starting to branch into a second idea
- "Find" Zettels that match your topic (but don't you dare use the Search function to do it!)
- You need Folgezettel / you don't need Folgezettel (I personally like the structure, so I've chosen to keep it)
What I'd like to learn from experienced users is this: What are the PHYSICAL steps you take when you've completed a Zettel and you're linking it to your other Zettels?
By physical steps, I mean what you actually do, GTD-style Next Actions.
For instance, here's my physical action steps.
- Search my index for the topic of interest
- Look within that cluster to find a Zettel that's either a source of that idea or similar to that idea.
- Number the new Zettel after the one I chose from #2.
- Use the Obsidian search function for a few keywords within my Zettel to find relevant links, adding context phrases as I do so.
But the problem is that as my Slipbox grows, I'll slowly forget the Zettel clusters and may make less-than-ideal connections. Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Howdy, Stranger!
See https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2431/creating-a-personal-history-in-your-zettelkasten/
Thanks for sharing your process, @GeoEng51 ! There are a few points I'll test out in my own Zettelkasten process:
What physical steps?
As for procedural steps, I try to link notes as soon as I add them. Otherwise I review my ZK on Sunday. I wrote a script to find notes whose H1 header doesn't match the filename, and I correct those.
Given $(n)$ nodes, there are $(3^\binom n 2)$ possible directed graphs with at most one directed edge between nodes, which means that you can expect to spend most of your life tending to your Zettelkasten and never finishing if you add notes over time and you are a link perfectionist. I have links in both directions in some cases, so I might have to choose between $(2^{2\binom n 2})$ possible digraphs.
What about diminishing returns?
If you're a programmer, you might have heard about "continuous improvement." Some people will never understand opportunity cost. Look at the graphs below and or the formulas above and you might appreciate that the brains of such individuals didn't prune away or otherwise weaken the connections that somehow underwrite (or underlink) this non-economic notion that diminishing returns don't exist and that it always worthwhile to improve anything, no matter what.
Maybe you don't care about producing anything with your notes, and your aim is to become a world-class Zettelkasten gardener. More power to you, in that case.
I've gotten Zettlr and Obsidian to work together somewhat interchangeably. Obsidian can be configured with about three or four plugins to use the same Pandoc format and LaTeX template files as Zettlr, work the same with Pandoc citations as Zettlr, show the H1 header as the filename in the File Explorer instead of only the ID, which Zettlr can be configured to do, and so on.
I use the graph view in Obsidian to see what links where. Obsidian's graph view has improved. I still prefer to edit in Zettlr. For example, suppose I want to focus on one of the alphabetic index nodes. Previously these were category notes until I decided to switch to an alphabetic index. The indexing is somewhat chaotic because of this, but chaos is supposed to be good in the land of the Zettel.
You can adjust the link distance, node repel force, central force, turn arrows on, zoom in and out (with Alt-, Alt=) so that the graph display becomes useful. It's also possible to display hashtags instead of titles. These views help with adjustments, I can see where I need to do more work, and so on.
Here's a note on LaTeX--this is more of a hub node. The graph tells me that the link to the index note, which was "Computing" and now "C-E" should be changed to point to "H-L", which itself has too many letters. Even with the index jumbled after I switched from categories to alphabetic indexing, the alphabetic indexing is still useful.a
aI have subsequently reorganized the alphabetic listing.
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