Zettelkasten Forum

Share your ZK plans for 24 APR - 30 Apr? What were your successes from last week?

You can only respond to what you notice. Awareness comes in different shapes and sizes—noticing and learning to nudge your awareness are keystone skills.

Please share what you have been working on or will be working on soon. Please share what you wish you'd be working on. Use this as a public accountability tool, as a way to start a conversation, and to socialize your understanding.


2022 Week 17

Last Week, I said I'd work on:

  • Final writing assignment in JAMM328 Science Writing - an Op-ed. Processing
  • Registration for next term opens Friday at 3 PM for me. Stalled - I have to get a special dispensation for the class I want.
  • Prepping for the first backpacking trip of the year. Postponed due to schedule and weather.

This Week

  • Op-ed writing
  • I've finished the 2nd round with Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson. Now, on to atomizing and connecting.
  • Onboard Paul Roquet. “Ambient Literature and the Aesthetics of Calm: Mood Regulation in Contemporary Japanese Fiction.” The Journal of Japanese Studies, vol. 35, no. 1, 2009, pp. 87–111. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1353/jjs.0.0050.
  • Develop and organize writing macros with Keyboard Maestro into ⌃⌥⇧⌘W - Writing Tools
  • Finish onboarding Angus Fletcher and Mike Benveniste's “A New Method for Training Creativity: Narrative as an Alternative to Divergent Thinking.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. n/a, no. n/a, Mar. 2022. Wiley Online Library, https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.14763.


These are the titles of the notes in my "#proofing" oven, and I'm excited about distilling them. Some of these I've been working with for a while now.
Show us yours! We are interested in seeing what you are up to, even if you have one or two newish zettel to share!

A-Ambient Literature and the Aesthetics of Calm 202204240715
The Skill of Distillation 202204231651
Op-Ed Ideas and Endpoints 202204171623
U-JAMM328 Science Writing 202201010606
Narrative as creativity training 202204010746
The Oregon Tipton Mine 202204061530
Awareness can expand and collapse 202204200734
B-Effective Notetaking 202203171941
Go Positive 202204050523
BO ★ Lojong Slogans 201902280516

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • edited April 2022

    Thank you for your weekly review @Will, it improves my focus and lucidity :)

    Last week :

    • Hard times call hard solutions.

      • Situation has evolved, I have to adapt. My body can't handle more here.
      • "Phoenix" time
    • I found out that my vertigos was caused by migraines, hand in hand with stress. I have difficulties to be conscious about my own feelings, but my body always find a way to reveal them.

      • My ZK will reflect what I am about to implement in order change my life and take my stress away with the wind of change.
    • I will put a new goal : finishing importating and reworking my Zettelkasten with ids. This week is gonna be the week, babe.

      • I have made a big reorganization, and about to finish it
    • "Rivers" subjects and "journaling" notes : see what they improve to me.

      • I end up creating some project notes, and create an independant system for my journaling notes. I really want to remember small things from my everyday life, like my relationship with wild birds friends, and of course, things about my son and the way he grows up. I want to make an adresse notebook as well and find a real todo list application with reminders, because I have big issues with dates
    • Improve in music field to help my son learn what matters to MiniBear.

      • We sang a lot together and I developped my breath technics. He enjoyed it a lot. I have to put words on sensations
      • My english level improves as well
    • Make critics of my sketches to improve my style

      • I did. My pride is hurt, but I'm a Phenix. I'll be fine.
    • Finish programming the whole novel step by step for next parts.

      • Put aside, but I did it.
    • Finding time to answer to friends

      • Done :) ot perfurrrctly, but done.

    This week

    • Come up with ideas, set up a plan, bring it to life.
    • Take a (my) breath (away) and have sleep.

    Created notes :

    • 14.Lex.X.Religious
    • 5.220418123253.EU.Vermilion Cliffs
    • 5.220420183499.EU.Bisti-De-Na-Zin
    • 1.220419010344.Notes Types for project management
    • 1.220419100323.Zettelkasten project management
    • 6.220422040300.Hypnosis definition
    • 6.220422164922.Orgasm and hypnosis theory
    • Dante.Gargantua - novel related
    • An.40.Invention de l'écritomatique - novel related
    • 220423234309.Sketches week 16
    • 9.220424152532.Krita test 1
    • 12.220422112548.Fiches show dont tell (hub)
    • 12.0.220421121921.Show dont tell
    • 12.220421122133.Définition Show Dont Tell
    • 12.220421131456.Avantages show dont tell
    • 12.220421140922.disadvantages show dont tell
    • 12.220421144311.Show dont tell critic
    • 15.220423142199.Curry beef (nom nom nom)
  • Hi, @Loni, your English is improving fast.

    I wonder what you mean by "Phoenix time"? Does this relate to zettelkasting, or is it a personal note? There isn't a zettel mentioned that I can relate to phoenix time.

    What are you thinking in terms of "1.220419010344.Notes Types for project management"?

    Thanks for your input

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited April 2022

    @Will said:
    Hi, @Loni, your English is improving fast.

    Thank you ! :blush: I do my best to be understood by you all.

    I wonder what you mean by "Phoenix time"? Does this relate to zettelkasting, or is it a personal note? There isn't a zettel mentioned that I can relate to phoenix time.

    It is a personal note, I take the habit to integrate this weekly review to my Zettelkasten as well. It is a symbol I use when I have to leave something behind. I love birds, and I especially love this fire birdie. Symbols and imagination help me to overcome turmoils and stay on track. You can change this part with Queen's song : "Show must go on", it works as well.

    What are you thinking in terms of "1.220419010344.Notes Types for project management"?

    This is a brainstorming note where I gathered ideas around ideas of note types to manage project thanks to my Zettelkasten. "To do lists" may be one of them, like "Ressources planning" or "Problem solving" focused notes.

  • @Loni said:
    find a real todo list application with reminders, because I have big issues with dates

    May I interest you in Todo.txt?

    Last Week

    • Began adopting a cat-like language because of Loni. Oddly enyeowgh, it makes meow happy.
    • Made some pawsome progress reorganyazing my Zettelkasten. There's still a lot to work on.
    • I manyaged to get meowre than halfway through What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles in taking nyeowtes.
    • Had to put off reading A mathematical theory of communication by Claude E. Shannon et. al.
    • Didn't get a reply from the folks associated with legal nyame changing.

    This Week

    • Make a video for Loni demeownstrating some of the things I explained in anyeowther discussion.
    • Continue the organyazation of my Zettelkasten.
    • Create Zettels from previously-lost Fleeting Nyeowtes.
    • Go on taking nyeowtes on Richard's book.
    • Finish processing my nyeowtes on transition. Had to postpone it until my Zettelkasten was a little more organyazed.
    • See if I can talk face-to-face with someowne on the legal nyame change.
    • Read A mathematical theory of communication by Claude E. Shannon et. al.


    • 202204191505 We all have pawtential
    • 202204201629 How to deal with difficult people
    • 202204010955 Playing the system isn't fun, but it makes the game shorter
    • 202202031612 The Barbell Method of Learning
    • 202111140831 Leave breadcrumbs to pick up Zettelkasten work
    • 202203031504 Annabella
    • 202108270927 Idea Index
    • 202110080750 Buffer Nyeowte and Idea Index - Anyalogy
  • @Annabella said:
    May I interest you in Todo.txt?

    Good idea by itself :) Already tried for monthes ahah ! I sticked with it within monthes, but I didn't find how to make it work for my needs. It's powerfull though and inspired me my own syntax. I search for a GTD/Bullet Journal mix, I find a good way with splited window on Sublime Text. Now, to keep my playful brain on track, I want a simple calendar with reminders without giving my datas to a shady company or to the GAFAM gods.

    No gods no masters !

    Began adopting a cat-like language because of Loni. Oddly enyeowgh, it makes meow happy.

    So deliCat way of writing :) Thank you for the meowtion !

  • edited April 2022


    What a pity that I knyeow nyeow-thing to recommend for a calendar. I'm a claw-ful GAFAM Folge-kitten. Hopefully, if they try a-nya-thing a-meow-sing, the claw enforcement can help meow.

    The cat-titude and good feline was be-paws of meow, so meow're welcome for the meowtion. /ᐠ。▿。ᐟ*ᵖᵘʳʳ*


    What a furr-getful cat I am. Thank you so meowch for meow-king these threads. Have a radi-claw day!

  • @Annabella My vote for top todo / note / planning app is NotePlan. I can't live without it.

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    @Annabella My vote for top todo / note / planning app is NotePlan. I can't live without it.

    An IOs or Apple one, so I can't use it :(

  • @GeoEng51 Mine is any text editor. :P Tags and such do the trick.

  • Regretfully, I have nothing to contribute on this week's progress.


    • I found out that my vertigos was caused by migraines, hand in hand with stress.

    You might consider visiting a neuropathologist.
    Migraine (if it's truly a migraine and not a reflected pain or fatigue-induced pain or something) usually has some trigger or a set of triggers that one needs to determine and evade. Neuropathologist would help you do it, as well as find a proper painkiller (that would work but won't turn you into a crackhead). Look for a doc who specializes in migraines. Few of them do.

  • @emps:

    You might consider visiting a neuropathologist.

    Migraine (if it's truly a migraine and not a reflected pain or fatigue-induced pain or something) usually has some trigger or a set of triggers that one needs to determine and evade. Neuropathologist would help you do it, as well as find a proper painkiller (that would work but won't turn you into a crackhead). Look for a doc who specializes in migraines. Few of them do.

    You are absolutly right and your advices are good :)
    I have already (and find a medication that works for me ! :) I am lucky in a sens to be insensitive to opoïd class !). I am just kind of insensitive to my own pain. I have to listen myself much more.

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